Loni Edwards

Illustration and Paintings in Digital, Watercolors and Ink

Images tagged "ocean"


  1. Holly Ruggiero 28/02/2011

    They look like such happy shoes.

  2. coralmoon 02/03/2011

    very nice Loni!

  3. Daslav 03/03/2011

    excellent ยกยกยก ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. theartofpuro 07/03/2011

    Very good:)I hate drawing hands:(

    • Loni Edwards 07/03/2011

      Yes, I struggle with them also. I’m getting better, especially with cartoon ones. Even those give me troubles. Hands and feet are probably the most challenging for most people. They are so weird looking ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Dana Carey 11/03/2011

    Good for you, Loni. Good luck with the rest of your tests. Love the sketch!

    • Loni 12/03/2011

      Thank you! I’m almost done, just one more test. Phew ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. theartofpuro 12/03/2011

    I love them!are adorble!

  7. Nina Crittenden 14/03/2011

    This is wonderful, Loni! Thank you for all the great links!

  8. theartofpuro 17/03/2011


  9. diana delosh 18/03/2011

    I’m feeling the same thing. This came out quite lovely.

  10. Rebecca Nolan 18/03/2011

    Loni, I love this piece. you did a beautiful job!

  11. theartofpuro 19/03/2011

    Love this piece!

    • Loni 20/03/2011

      Thank you very much, Monica ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. diana delosh 31/03/2011

    HI Loni. I didn’t know it was Van Gogh’s B’day yesterday. He’s 1 of my favorite artists and Starry Night is 1 of my favorite paintings too.Thanks for sharing this!

  13. ALex 08/04/2011

    Love the color and your whales are adorable. I like the mood of this piece. Happy Friday!

  14. coralmoon 17/04/2011

    very nice Loni!

  15. Melissa Liban 18/04/2011

    This is cute!

  16. theartofpuro 29/04/2011

    Wonderful illustration!It’s so great to learn things about other cultures:)

  17. coralmoon 08/05/2011

    This is so very sweet, nicely done!

  18. Gisele LeBlanc 30/06/2011

    Ohhhh, so pretty! Love it!

  19. Debbie Ohi 12/07/2011

    I’m addicted, too. ๐Ÿ™‚ Great post, Loni!

    • Loni 12/07/2011

      Thanks Debbie ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for inviting me!

  20. Becka (StickyNoteStory) 12/07/2011

    I’m loving G+ too! The circles are so easy to set up and maintain if you start right away, and I’m having a great time finding new people to connect with. It’s like a mashup of all the best parts of Twitter and FB ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni 12/07/2011

      Yes, I so agree Becka! It’s the personal feeling of FB with the stream line of Twitter.

  21. coralmoon 16/07/2011

    thank you for the info Loni…looking forward to trying it!

    • Loni 17/07/2011

      Great! It’s been a couple of weeks and I still like it. I hope to see you there soon!

  22. coralmoon 24/07/2011

    looks great, can’t wait to see it finished!

  23. ME 26/07/2011

    Hi Loni – wondering what you could do with Liza and Peaches – I have a couple of really good pix of Peaches and very close but of course not that great of Liza. Let me know – the above ones are really cute~
    Mary Ellen

    • Loni Edwards 26/07/2011

      Mary Ellen, I would love to do them! I will contact you via FB and we’ll discuss it ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Barbara 01/08/2011

    beautiful! Loni

  25. theartofpuro 02/08/2011

    Can’t wait to see it:)

  26. theartofpuro 02/08/2011

    It’s woderful!

  27. Dve Schwitalla 03/09/2011

    Loni – I like the balance, also the playfulness and whimsey of this job.
    The dark dog (liza?) has eyes that shine and speak.

    Your style is catchy – and opens up my own horizons…


    • Loni Edwards 03/09/2011

      Thank you Dave! I appreciate your kind comments. Yes, you are right, that is Liza ๐Ÿ™‚

      Best wishes,

  28. Barbara 06/09/2011

    Lonie, this is wonderful!

  29. coralmoon 12/09/2011

    just love it!

  30. Robert 16/09/2011

    They have also come out with a new little toy called the Inkling. Fabulous piece of hardware that attaches to your sketchbook so that you can sketch on real paper. It records your sketches then you download to your computer for editing. Only $200! It’s on my Christmas list.

  31. Barbara 19/09/2011

    very nice pics Loni!

  32. jack foster 24/09/2011

    Great pics Loni! Bees are cool!

  33. Cindy D. 30/10/2011

    Great illustration! I love the patches on his arms and the bright red bowtime.

  34. Cindy D. 30/10/2011

    (bowtie even!)

  35. Southpaw 30/10/2011

    Wonderful! I see you you said it was digital ink and color.I like that is still looks hand drawn.

    PS: I changed my username back to southpaw and have a new url.

    • Loni Edwards 30/10/2011

      Thanks Holly! I will correct in my links ๐Ÿ™‚ I like your new site btw. And yes, it’s all digital. I am learning some new techniques with brushes, layers etc. Thank you for noticing!

  36. Tara Lazar 01/11/2011

    “I woke up at 4 a.m. and couldnโ€™t get back to sleep for a while. The post for PiBo wasnโ€™t up yet…”

    I thought posting at 6 a.m. was early! Looks like I might have to post at midnight for the insomniacs (which is sometimes ME)!

    • Loni 01/11/2011

      Hi Tara! Yes, that would be cool if you could set it up like that. I’m a night owl for sure ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Stacy S. Jensen 01/11/2011

    I can’t draw, so I think it’s fun to hear about your process. I normally don’t sleep with the iPhone next to me, but am this month. I jot down ideas in the “note” or memo section. I’m also using 3×5 index cards to write down ideas. Best of luck to you.

    • Loni 01/11/2011

      Hi Stacy!
      That is a great idea. One friend said they bought a waterproof pad and pen and have it near the shower! Wherever the ideas happen, we need to jot them down however we can! ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck to you also!

  38. Monica Carnesi 01/11/2011

    Best of luck with PiBoldMo, Loni! I haven’t officially signed in, but will try and participate as much as I can.
    Like you, I usually start with a sketchbook too ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni 01/11/2011

      Hi Monica! Thanks for stopping by! Best of luck to you also.

  39. sketched out 02/11/2011

    That’s very cool, Loni! I work similarly, by leading with the sketching. I created a dummy pb by sketching the story first, visually finding the arc and rhythm. Afterward the writing came more easily. I already knew the story, now I just needed to tell it.

    Funny though, I forgot to employ this technique to PiBoIdMo. Thanks for posting this and reminding me. I’m going to start doing that tomorrow!

    • Loni Edwards 05/11/2011

      That’s great Linda! I hadn’t thought about doing a dummy that way. I think I would have a lot of success with that technique. Thanks back to you ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. Gina 14/11/2011

    That’s excellent Loni. I hit a slump a few days ago, like last year. But I’m back at it again! I love seeing your work pages. I hope the rest of the month is just as productive for you.

    • Loni Edwards 16/11/2011

      Thank you Gina. The half way point is the hardest hurdle to get over. I’m glad you were inspired again! Thank you!

  41. Joanna 15/11/2011

    I wish I could sketch too, as I feel it would help make the ideas more concrete. I like seeing your journal pages!

    • Loni Edwards 16/11/2011

      Hi Joanna,
      Everyone can sketch! It doesn’t have to be perfect. Sometimes I just draw sticks and blobs ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad you liked my pages. Thanks for visiting.

  42. theartofpuro 21/11/2011

    Great illo and post:)I agree with you:)

  43. Gisele 08/12/2011

    Way to go Loni! Congrats!

  44. patientdreamer 09/12/2011

    way to go Loni. Amazing result.

  45. patientdreamer 09/12/2011

    have to admit I haven’t read this book, so will have to look for it. His work is excellent. Love your blog by the way.

    • Loni Edwards 10/12/2011

      Thank you! Yes, I hadn’t read any of his stuff before. Which surprised me since I have read ALOT of books! I am glad my library got them in so others can enjoy them now also.

  46. Jennifer Rumberger 10/12/2011

    Isn’t this the best book? I went to a talk with the Stead’s this past fall. They spoke about their illustration process, it was pretty interesting.

    • Loni Edwards 10/12/2011

      Hi Jennifer,
      Oh that would’ve been very interesting! Lucky you! Yes, this book was awesome!

  47. clarbojahn 16/12/2011

    I love your badge, thanks so much! I will be proud to display this on my blog as a participant of Perfect Picture Book Fridays. It truely says it all.

  48. clarbojahn 16/12/2011

    I have yet to read it but I just got “Knuffle Bunny” out from the library! This makes it that much more valuable to go ahead and pull it out right now. Thanks for this review. It sounds “Just right”.

  49. Jennifer Rumberger 16/12/2011

    Love the badge! I will be joining the ranks in January.

    • Loni Edwards 16/12/2011

      Hi Jennifer! Thanks a lot. That’s great you will be joining in. I’ll be looking forward to your posts.

  50. Catherine Johnson 16/12/2011

    A classic, love Knuffle Bunny.

    • Loni Edwards 16/12/2011

      @clarbojahn and @Catherine

      Yes, this is an awesome book. It is definitely a classic. I love all of the added activities that Mo has on his site for it. Really adds to the book experience.

  51. Susanna Leonard Hill 16/12/2011

    I LOVE Knuffle Bunny! (and Mo Willems in general! – I may have to post Amanda And Her Alligator for one of these PPBFs!) You did a great job for your first PPB – excellent book choice, description and resources! Thanks so much for joining in the fun ๐Ÿ™‚

  52. Julie Hedlund 16/12/2011

    I’ve always loved this series, especially because my son has his own bunny! ๐Ÿ™‚

  53. elizabethanne 16/12/2011

    I love this book (and KB too and KB free as well). Did you know that there’s a Knuffle Bunny MUSICAL? I would so love to see it. You can read about it at Mo Willems blog: http://mowillemsdoodles.blogspot.com/2010/07/knuffle-bunny-cautionary-musical-tour.html

  54. patientdreamer 16/12/2011

    loved this Loni. Read this during my picture book course with Emma Walton Hamilton. Would you believe this book is under lock and key in our local library. Its a classic!

  55. Kelly Korenek 16/12/2011

    Loni, I love Mo Willem books, and Knuffle Bunny is a great choice! It is a perfect read-aloud for little ones. I also love love love the badge you created for PPBF! Awesome job ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni 17/12/2011

      Thank you Kelly, I am glad you liked the badge. It was a lot of fun to do. I agree, Knuffle Bunny is a perfect read-aloud book.

  56. Patricia Tilton 17/12/2011

    Loni, I love your selection. I have given all three books to my granddaughter and she loves them. I love everything about the books — the story, the simplicity and the art. Great selection!

    • Loni Edwards 17/12/2011

      Thank you Patricia. Yes, Mo Willems’ books are a wonderful gift! They are classics!

  57. Ann 17/12/2011

    Hey it is a great piece! Sorry you missed out on entering! Great expression and good work! You should be proud that you finished it and did it! ๐Ÿ˜€

  58. Stacy S. Jensen 18/12/2011

    I really need to check the library for this and more of Mo Willems books. Thanks for the recommendation.

  59. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 18/12/2011

    I LOVE Mo Willems but I haven’t read Knuffle Bunny – WHY?!? I don’t know! I really have to especially after reading your review ๐Ÿ˜‰
    PS The mouse you made for Perfect Picture Book Friday is AWESOME!!

    • Loni Edwards 18/12/2011

      Thank you Erik! I hadn’t read Knuffle Bunny until last year when Mo was selling autographed books at the Eric Carle museum. This one I had heard so much about from my friends. It really is a cute book. Yes, go get it from the library, pronto! ๐Ÿ™‚

  60. shirley 18/12/2011

    Such SWEET expressions Loni! What a great portfolio piece! I’m SO sorry to hear your membership renewal negated the entry…bummer!

    • Loni Edwards 18/12/2011

      Thanks Shirley! Yeah, it was my own fault for neglecting to renew. It’s all good. I had fun creating the piece. Thanks for stopping by!

  61. Jennifer Rumberger 18/12/2011

    Love the illustration! So cute!

  62. Tracy Bermeo 18/12/2011

    I love this book! The art is different, and I think my favorite part is that I just love the name: Knufflebunny. How great is that?!

  63. Dana Carey 19/12/2011

    I love this illo, Loni. Lots of storytelling going in! Too bad you couldn’t enter the contest but I’m glad you posted it.

    • Loni Edwards 19/12/2011

      Hi Dana! Thank you. And thanks for the RT ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad I posted it too. I really liked it and spent a lot of time on it.

  64. theartofpuro 19/12/2011

    It’s adorable:)Sorry you didn’t menage to partecipate!

  65. Patricia Tilton 19/12/2011

    You really are good! I love the Chicken Little and so wished you had been able to enter it. Am impressed with your work. Do you help with blog header designs! I want to rework mine after the first of the year. Like your header a lot — its simple. And, I love the Perfect Picture Book badge! — Pat

  66. Loni Edwards 19/12/2011

    Hi Pat! Thank you! Yes, I’d be glad to do a banner for you. Please send me an email at loni[at]loniedwards.com. I think it would be a fun project!

  67. diana delosh 21/12/2011

    Good luck with the 12 x 12 challenge. Happy Holidays back at you!

  68. Rosemary Moeller 21/12/2011

    Happy Holidays to you and yours. Hope you enjoy all the beauty of the season.

  69. Patricia Tilton 21/12/2011

    A lovely message, and a cute vido. Looking forward to 12×12. Happy Holidays!

  70. theartofpuro 23/12/2011

    So cute:)Have a Merry Xmas:)

  71. Julie Hedlund 23/12/2011

    I didn’t know this was the first book to feature an African-American main character. This series is so educational and fun! Great choice too.

    • Loni 24/12/2011

      Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by. I researched the info further and it was actually the first African American protagonist featured as a main character. Sorry for the mistake. I reworded the review. I agree, I am learning a lot from our Friday reviews ๐Ÿ™‚

  72. Susanna Leonard Hill 23/12/2011

    Ah! A classic! What a great choice, Loni! Definitely a must for our list, so I’m so glad you posted it!

  73. elizabethanne 23/12/2011

    I love Peter! Have you read Whistle for Willie?

    I was very surprised to learn that Keats wasn’t African-American himself, although his books might not have been accepted at the time if he had been. His books were so valuable, and still are, in showing our diversity and our similarity.

    • Loni Edwards 24/12/2011

      I found his bio to be very interesting. Such as his original name was Katz, but due to anti-semitism, he changed it after WWII to Keats. I haven’t read Whistle for Willie, but I will put it on my list. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  74. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 24/12/2011

    This sounds like a interesting book! I really like the illustration on the cover!

    • Loni Edwards 24/12/2011

      Hi Erik! The illustrations through out the book are done the same way. Thanks for stopping by.

  75. Diana Evans 28/12/2011

    Hi Loni!!!! great shop…I have not seen redbubble….interesting place!!! wishing you all the best now and in 2012!!!

    • Loni Edwards 29/12/2011

      Hi Diana! Thanks for visiting. I like Red Bubble. It’s prices are a bit lower than some of the others. The products are nice quality and it is a great community of creatives.

  76. Hannah 29/12/2011

    I also love The Snowy day. Great review.

  77. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 30/12/2011

    This book sounds VERY funny. Cows AND chickens making demands! This is now on my to be read list!

  78. Patricia Tilton 30/12/2011

    Love your selection Loni. It sounds like a fun book with a powerful message for children about peaceful conflict resolution. We need more books like this for kids.

  79. elizabethanne 30/12/2011

    I think I’ve read this… but the very fact that I’m not sure means I need to read it again! (In fact, even if I was absolutely sure I’d read it, I think I’d need to read it again.)

    Thanks, Loni!

  80. Susanna Leonard Hill 30/12/2011

    Oh, I LOVE Click Clack Moo! So glad you added it to the list! What a great choice ๐Ÿ™‚

  81. Hannah 30/12/2011

    One of my all time favorite picture books, but I haven’t read it in a while. Thanks for the reminder.

  82. Joanne May 31/12/2011

    Thank you for visiting my blog. It is lovely to meet you and see your wonderful illustrations here! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Happy New Year!
    Best wishes,
    Jo May.

    • Loni Edwards 31/12/2011

      You’re welcome Jo May. Thanks for the nice compliment. It’s lovely to meet you too!

  83. shirley 01/01/2012

    Loni I wish you a most wonderful 2012 ahead! Happy new year to you!

  84. Vanessa 01/01/2012

    Hey there Loni,
    Wishing you all the joy and laughter your heart can hold for a fresh New Year! Thanks so much for your friendship and encouragement. Wishing you many book contracts and more expression!

    • Loni 02/01/2012

      Thank you Vanessa! You are sweet. I wish the same for you! Thanks for coming by my blog.

  85. Diana Evans 01/01/2012

    oh this book looks like so much fun!!! I love cows!!!!

    • Loni 02/01/2012

      Hi Diana, it is fun! And yes, there are lots of cows! You will love it! My favorite was the duck. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

  86. pavinee 03/01/2012

    These are very interesting! I’m particularly interested in 12ร—12 in 2012 but I have zero background of making picture book so I’m a bit nervous to participate.

    As for my own challenge, I’m doing 365 days I draw here >> http://haveamerryday.blogspot.com/search/label/365%20days%20I%20draw

    I skipped a few days in New Year holiday but going to start again now ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 03/01/2012

      Thank you so much for coming to my blog and commenting! What a great challenge of 365 days of drawing. I am looking forward to your posts!

      As for picture books, there are tons of resources to help you guide your way. Including some wonderful books. The main key to it all is the desire to do it. If your muse or little inner voice is telling you, then don’t give in to your fears. Do it!

      We are living in a fantastic age where so much information is at our fingertips. Besides resources we have huge online support groups to help you. You can do it! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Happy New Year, and I’ll be watching for your posts!

  87. Heather 03/01/2012

    It sounds like this will be a great year for you in the creativity department! The Perfect Picture Book Friday badge is absolutely adorable, can’t wait to put it on my blog!

    • Loni Edwards 03/01/2012

      Thanks so much Heather! Yes, I am hopeful that 2012 will be my best year yet. I am excited to get going on these challenges as well as my college classes! Lots on my plate, but I am up to the task.

      Thank you for stopping by my blog.

      Happy New Year!

  88. theartofpuro 03/01/2012

    What a wonderful way to begin the new year with new project:)Have a great New Year:)

  89. Jackie Castle 05/01/2012

    I’ve tried reading that book also and have never been able to get through it. I have another one of hers that I’m going to try this year. Something in the title about Water.(I can’t remember off hand)

    • Loni Edwards 07/01/2012

      Yeah I’m hoping that being in a challenge will help me to persevere and get through it. I’ve heard so many good things about people that have completed it.

  90. Eric Van Raepenbusch 05/01/2012


    I am participating in 12 x 12 in 2012 too. It is going to be a great experience. Lots of people supporting each other!

    Your illustrations are great! Looking forward to talking to you throughout the year. I am following you on Twitter now too!

    • Loni Edwards 06/01/2012

      Hi Eric,
      Thanks for the follow! I will follow you back.

      Yes, I have already met new friends from the 12×12 participants. Are you on the FB group too? I will look for your name and add you to my friends on FB. Great to connect with you!

  91. Aadel 05/01/2012

    That sounds like fun! I signed up hoping to find some new blogs to read about KidLit!

    • Loni 05/01/2012

      Awesome Aadel! I have already added a few new ones to my Google Reader. I hope you do too!

  92. Anamaria 05/01/2012

    Best of luck on your two (make that three!) challenges this year, Loni! I love the idea of 12×12 in 2012 and am going to look into it myself!

    • Loni Edwards 06/01/2012

      Hi Anamaria,

      Thank you! Yes, I have my hands full, plus a full course load this term at college! I am glad you might join 12×12. The FB group is also very active, so be sure to join that also if you decide to jump in ๐Ÿ™‚

  93. Laurie Jess 05/01/2012

    Hi Loni, I did the same thing & now I’m having fun discovering!!! I’ll be checking out some of your sidebar links…Fun!

    • Loni Edwards 05/01/2012

      Hi Laurie! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you find some fun new stuff to discover ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy New Year!

  94. Russ 05/01/2012

    Hi Loni!

    I just signed up for the challenge and thought I would hop over to say “hi”. This is going to be a great way to connect with others and force me to keep my blog more current.

    Looking forward to your posts!

  95. Juana Martinez-Neal 05/01/2012

    Hi Loni! I do love the idea of the comment challenge. Good luck on you 12×12 on 12! Talk soon!

  96. Beth Stilborn 05/01/2012

    Hi, Loni — great to see that you’re in the Challenge, too. The network continues to expand.

  97. Lindsey 05/01/2012

    This is one of my all-time favorites. I still haven’t found a good hardcover copy for my son, but I need to get it soon. Such a great book! The images are perfection.

    • Loni 06/01/2012

      Hi Lindsey! Thanks for your comment. Did you see Amazon has a 50th anniversary edition? I’m not sure if it is in hardcover or not, but usually they have both editions.

  98. patientdreamer 06/01/2012

    Hi Loni, so pleased to see you in the Comment Challenge, what a cute blog btw…. I so love this, will stick around to read.

  99. Susanna Leonard Hill 06/01/2012

    This wounds wonderful, Loni! I am a big Phyllis Root fan to start with, the illustrations look delightful, and the opening sentence just pulls you right in. The activities you’ve suggested sound really fun and educational. Thanks so much for sharing this one!

    • Loni Edwards 06/01/2012

      Thanks Susanna! Yes, the illustrations are fantastic! It’s a little longer read, hence the age 5 and up I think. Little ones might get a little restless. And the trolls are a bit menacing. But hey, my kid loved stuff like that even little so who knows? ๐Ÿ™‚

  100. Jim Randolph 06/01/2012

    I’ve been doing the comment challenge for the last couple of years and it’s great. Gets me out of lurking mode and lets me find some interesting new blogs every year. And I always pick up one or two unsuspecting blog followers myself.


    • Loni Edwards 06/01/2012

      Thanks Jim! I am so glad there are challenges like this to get us “lurkers” out more ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s a great way to meet new friends. I appreciate you picking my blog to comment on. Thank you and nice to meet you!

  101. theartofpuro 06/01/2012

    Thanks for the comment:)The book”Lucia and the Light”looks interesting and the style is beautiful:)Thanks for sharing:)

  102. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 06/01/2012

    Cool! I haven’t heard of this before. I love the Roman, Greek, and Norwegian mythologies! ๐Ÿ™‚ I wonder where I can by this book…

    • Loni Edwards 06/01/2012

      Hi Erik,
      You can click the picture of the book above to purchase at Amazon. Otherwise, I am sure that other bookstores and libraries will carry it also. It is from Candlewick, so I bet it is pretty easy to get ordered in. Thanks for your comment, I bet you will love this book!

  103. Joanna Marple 06/01/2012

    Loni this sounds epic and enchanting and I so want to see the illustrations, now. I have worked internationally for many years and have often celebrated Santa Lucia with Scandinavian friends!

    • Loni Edwards 06/01/2012

      Hi Joanna,
      Thanks so much for your comment. That is wonderful that this book will remind of you of such great memories. You will love it.

  104. Beth Stilborn 06/01/2012

    Lyrical opening! Lovely. This sounds like a great way to explore another culture. It also sounds as though the reader would feel Lucia’s emotions clearly through her journey, which would make it even better, in my opinion.

    Thanks, Loni!

    • Loni Edwards 06/01/2012

      Oh yes, between the writing and the drawings, you really do get a feel for her emotions. In one spot, she lies down in the snow because she is tired. It was very emotional for me as a reader. Not many picture books grab me like that. And yes, it is a great lead to exploring more things about Scandinavian culture.

  105. Jennifer Young 06/01/2012

    Oh what an interesting storyline. I can’t wait to read this one to my kids! Thanks for sharing Loni!

  106. Tina Kugler 06/01/2012

    One of my all-time faves too! I love the colors he puts in the snow. I’ve been shading my painted snow with pink & pastel blue ever since!

  107. Katy Manck 06/01/2012

    Loni, I need to borrow a grandchild and go read this book to/with them!

    I love the way that you provide some links to further information and an activity that relates to the story.

    (I arrived here via MotherReader & LeeWind’s comment challenge and plan to stick around!)

    **Katy M
    Recommending YA books beyond the bestsellers at http://BooksYALove.blogspot.com
    Follow me on Twitter @BooksYALove

    • Loni Edwards 06/01/2012

      Hi Katy M!

      Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate your comment! I will also add your blog to my feed and follow you on twitter. Great to meet new friends!

  108. Natalie 06/01/2012

    Wow! This sounds like a fantastic story that my boys would love. I will have to add it to our weekly, library list.

  109. patientdreamer 06/01/2012

    Great book, I love anything that reflects another culture. This reminded me of when we visited there some years ago. It was mid summer and only about half hour of darkness…lol. Amazing. Love the illustrations. Thanks Loni!

    • Loni Edwards 06/01/2012

      You’re welcome! Yeah I remember the darkness in Alaska too. But in the summer, it’s awesome to have it be midnight and still light out ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the comment!

  110. Renee LaTulippe 06/01/2012

    That sounds so beautiful! Will have to get my hands on that one — thanks for sharing!

  111. Patricia Tilton 06/01/2012

    Love your selection Loni! It’s so important for kids to understand other cultures and some of the hardships. I know so little about the Norse, that I’m going to have to read this one. Thanks for sharing. Definitely belongs on the PPB list.

  112. Loni Edwards 06/01/2012

    I agree Pat! As an Anthropology major, I am all about cultures ๐Ÿ™‚ Any book I find that introduces a child about another culture I gravitate too. Thanks for your comments!

  113. Kelly Korenek 06/01/2012

    We have this book in our library collection-I have been meaning to read it-the cover is so appealing. It really does sound like a magical read, and I like your ideas for activities. Could lead to a cool research project!

    • Loni Edwards 06/01/2012

      Hi Kelly, isn’t that cover fantastic? That is what drew me to the book also. Each page is magical, in the storytelling and the illustrations. You will love it.

  114. Beth 06/01/2012

    I’m still reading picture books with my ten year old, right before we start reading our own chapter books, and this looks like something he would enjoy. We like Norse themed stories.

  115. Jennifer Rumberger 06/01/2012

    This sounds like a wonderful book. Thanks for sharing!

  116. Zoe 07/01/2012

    A new-to-me book, this sounds enchanting.

  117. Stacy S. Jensen 07/01/2012

    I enjoy magical. Such a growing list of books to check out, especially after this week. I think I see the Harry Potter-look on the cover you shared. I’ll have to study the illustrations too.

    • Loni Edwards 07/01/2012

      Yes, I recognized it when I picked it up at the library. Her soft pastels are striking and memorable.

  118. Pat Zietlow Miller 07/01/2012

    This is a wonderful book. And, The Jewish Museum in New York is having an exhibit of Keats’ artwork through the end of the month. I hope to be able to see it.

  119. Storied Cities 07/01/2012

    We read this book every year on St. Lucia Day when we also make the traditional saffron buns. It’s a lovely book.

  120. Anne Duguid 08/01/2012

    What a lovely site this is. Inspirational. Found it through the blogger comment challenge but shall surely be back.

    • Loni Edwards 08/01/2012

      Hi Anne,
      Thank you so much for visiting my site and for the nice comments! It’s so nice to meet you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  121. Scott Spinks 08/01/2012

    Ah, yes. Lucia and the Light lives on my bookshelf in my studio simply because of the way the illustrator handled the lighting. It’s a great book.

    • Loni Edwards 08/01/2012

      Hi Scott,
      I agree, she is a master at light. Each page is a fantastic piece of art. Thanks for the comment!

  122. Magdalena Ball 08/01/2012

    I really like your review format – it’s super helpful. Your review was insightful and well written and really makes me what to check out Lucia and the Light, which I’ve never read.

    • Loni Edwards 08/01/2012

      Thank you Magdalena. I can not take credit for the format, that would be the creation of author Susanna Leonard Hill who hosts the Perfect Picture Book Fridays blog. But I agree, the formatting is spot on. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  123. Blessy Mathew 08/01/2012

    I signed up today…three days late though. This is my first Comment Challenge. Looking forward to the fun and connecting with other kid lit bloggers.

  124. coralmoon 09/01/2012

    thanks for sharing Loni!

  125. Nina Crittenden 09/01/2012

    Ooh, congrats on winning, Loni! That’s the best! I have so much respect for those of you who are so skilled at working digitally, it all goes WAY over my head! Happy Monday!

    • Loni Edwards 09/01/2012

      Hi Nina,
      Thanks! Well, if you ever want to adventure in the digital realm, pick up one of Will’s videos. They are very helpful!

  126. Heather Kelly 09/01/2012

    These sound fabulous–I don’t have an ounce of drawing talent, but I might look into these when my daughter gets older. She’s six, and maintains that she is an ARTIST. And she is!!

    • Loni Edwards 09/01/2012

      Heather, that is a great idea! You are right, she IS and artist. If you give her the right tools, she will soar if she is following her passion. Thanks for the comment!

  127. Lynn Alpert 09/01/2012

    Congrats to you, Lonie! We’ll be learning this at the same time.

  128. Patricia Tilton 09/01/2012

    Congratulations Loni. There is only one thing missing in your comment — you also have to have artistic talent to begin with. I have none. I would love to be able to illustrate — such a gift!

    • Loni Edwards 10/01/2012

      Pat, a long, long time ago, I read a book by Betty Edwards. Drawing on the Right side of the Brain (or something like that). She believes that everyone is born with ability to draw. It’s the desire that is or isn’t there. If you have the desire, then you can draw. I like that idea. ๐Ÿ™‚ So if you have the desire, then explore. Maybe you just haven’t found your right art niche yet. Thank you for the nice comment.

  129. Darshana Khiani 09/01/2012

    Never heard of this book or author, will have to check it out. I do like Mary’s work in the Harry Potter series

    • Loni Edwards 11/01/2012

      I hadn’t either Darshana. But I plan to check out more of her books as I come across them. I really liked her writing.

  130. Barb 09/01/2012

    It sounds lovely! Thanks.

    Grade ONEderful

  131. khwhitaker 10/01/2012

    Congrats Loni, I was one of the lucky winners too. Will is really great to share his knowledge with us.

  132. Daslav Vladilo 10/01/2012

    great congrats ยกยก always good to keep learning

  133. Rachel Mary Bean 10/01/2012

    This looks great, thanks! I’m always on the look out for fun picture books. ๐Ÿ™‚

  134. Loni Edwards 11/01/2012

    Hi Rachel,
    You will like this one. It is fun ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the comment!

  135. Sylvia Liu 11/01/2012

    I too was a lucky winner of his video and have just finished watching it and would like to add to what you’ve said. Very excellent video! I’ll be posting my review soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

  136. paola 11/01/2012

    Congratulations, Loni!
    I’m sure you will make good use of it!
    So glad you visited me, I also miss the old times of blogging frequently and leaving comments, thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  137. Carol A. Bender 12/01/2012

    Congrats, and thanks for sharing.

  138. Sarah Frances Hardy 12/01/2012

    This sounds great! I’m self-taught on Photoshop, and I know that there’s so much more that I could be doing. These tutorials sound like just what I need!


  139. JenFW 12/01/2012

    I’m a writer, not an illustrator. Is it crazy that I’m interested in this training anyway?

    I’ve read Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, too, and I believe in my own artistic abilities, but I don’t think I’m a book illustrator. Although, maybe I want to be.

    Do you think there’s value for a writer in learning illustration? Just curious.

    I’m glad to learn about these videos. Thanks!

    • Loni Edwards 12/01/2012

      Yes! I do! I think I just might do a blog post with this thought in mind. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

  140. MaryHelen 12/01/2012

    Love this book! Kids have fun reading it as a Reader’s Theater as well. I will be checking back to see more Perfect Picture Books. I’m also going to send your blog to my niece, who is interested in possibly illustrating. :)MaryHelen

    • Loni 13/01/2012

      That’s great MaryHelen! Oh thank you for passing on my blog. Most appreciated! Thanks for the comment.

  141. Stacy S. Jensen 13/01/2012

    I’m not a fan of “slitherin’ snakes,” but I’m game to check out the desert creatures.

    • Loni 13/01/2012

      Haha! Well you will be happy to know there aren’t too many snakes in it. There are a few though! Thanks for being a good sport. You will like it.

  142. Catherine Johnson 13/01/2012

    Interactive pop-up books are my favorite. This sounds fabulous with all sorts of new creatures to experience.

    • Loni 13/01/2012

      Mine too Catherine! I would like to create one someday. I think it would be a challenging, and fun project.

  143. patientdreamer 13/01/2012

    Very cool book Loni and I love all the links you have provided. You have certainly done a lot of homework here. Like Stacy, I’ll avoid the snakes…lol.
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Loni 13/01/2012

      Thanks for the comment. Well, as an Anthropology student, I like research LOTS!

      Awww snakes are beautiful creatures. Maybe this book will help you overcome your fear.

  144. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 13/01/2012

    I haven’t heard of this book before. I will check it out! Great activities!

    • Loni 13/01/2012

      Thanks Erik! You will like it. It is a lot of fun, for everyone!

  145. Joanna Marple 13/01/2012

    fab choice, Loni. National Geographic Kids is also a wonderful resource. As it is a pop up book I so agree that much younger children will also love this one!

    • Loni 13/01/2012

      Hi Joanna, I agree! NatGeo is a wonderful resource in books, dvds and tv! My family went to the NatGeo museum in DC a few years ago. They said it was awesome! Thanks for your comment.

  146. Julie Hedlund 13/01/2012

    My son loves these kind of books, but I hadn’t seen this one. NatGeo does a fantastic job with everything they publish. Thanks for sharing!

    • Loni 13/01/2012

      Hi Julie! Your son will love this one too. They are a great series. I love it when you find a book that makes it fun to learn. I wish college textbooks had pop-ups! ๐Ÿ™‚

  147. Coleen Patrick 13/01/2012

    Love pop-out books–they are so much fun for kids ๐Ÿ™‚ Sounds great!

  148. Patricia Tilton 13/01/2012

    As always, an excellent choice. It does sound like younger kids would enjoy the pop-ups. I love books on the daily lives of animals.

    • Loni 13/01/2012

      Me too Pat! I love books like that also ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by.

  149. Mary Jo 13/01/2012

    Thanks for the review.

  150. Susanna Leonard Hill 13/01/2012

    You know, given that you’re first on the list this week, Loni, you’d think I would have gotten here sooner ๐Ÿ™‚ Great choice! I love fun non-fiction titles and National Geographic has so much to offer. And pop-ups? What more could you want? Thanks for sharing this one! I’ll have to look it up – I love animals!

    • Loni Edwards 14/01/2012

      Hi Susanna! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, this book is full of animals. You will love it.

  151. Beth Stilborn 13/01/2012

    I would have absolutely LOVED a book like this when I was a kid. Heck, I’d love it now! National Geographic does such a fabulous job with pop-ups.

    • Loni Edwards 14/01/2012

      Hi Beth! You’re right, I say it “was” a favorite at our house, but truth be told, it still is! And yes, Nat Geo makes some great books!

  152. Penny Klostermann 14/01/2012

    Kids love nonfiction! This book sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  153. Eric Van Raepenbusch 14/01/2012

    We used to have this book. I wonder what happened to it?

  154. Heather 15/01/2012

    Great resources, Loni! The Planet Earth series is one that we go back to over and over. Good pick this week!

  155. Kelly Korenek 15/01/2012

    You got me with “pop-up!” I’m betting this one is out of publication, but doesn’t hurt to check. I can always order it on Amazon. Sounds like a really fun and educational book! Thank you for sharing!!

    • Loni Edwards 16/01/2012

      Hi Kelly, yes it is available from Amazon still. It’s a great addition to any library.

  156. Bill Kirk 16/01/2012

    What a great idea for a blog. I hope you don’t mind if I follow your lead on occasion. This combines setting aside a specific time to read a picture book with blogging about it. I’m glad I stopped by as part of the comment challenge. Feel free to visit my blog as well at http://billkirkwrites.blogspot.com —or my website.

  157. Loni Edwards 16/01/2012

    Hi Bill! Actually, the blog came first. I just joined in with Perfect Picture Book Fridays. It’s all the idea of author Susanna Leonard Hill. I can not take credit. Just a participant. Thanks for stopping by.

  158. Joanna Marple 20/01/2012

    Our school library copy of this book is really worn due to so much love! What a lot of wonderful resources too. I would love to go to the Eric Carle Museum. Have you been, Loni?

  159. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 20/01/2012

    Great pos! Great PPBF! I think I have seen him making his caterpillar at school in our library. I couldn’t believe how big it was! I always imagined it smaller!

  160. Renee LaTulippe 20/01/2012

    I gave the board book version to my kids at Christmas, and so far they just like putting their fingers in the holes and pointing at the caterpillar on each page. I am surprised, though, that they also point out the little egg on the big leaf…I didn’t think they’d notice such a detail, but they did. The Scholastic video is great – love seeing artists at work. ๐Ÿ™‚

  161. Susanna Leonard Hill 20/01/2012

    Oh, I LOVE The Very Hungry Caterpillar (and so many others of Eric Carle’s!) Thanks for adding this wonderful book and all these great resources to our list. It’s funny how certain themes seem to pop up each week – there are a few nature ones this time around ๐Ÿ™‚

  162. Beth Stilborn 20/01/2012

    This book is such a delight. I’m glad we get a mix of classics and new books in PPBF — and I’m VERY glad that The Very Hungry Caterpillar is still readily available.

  163. Julie Hedlund 20/01/2012

    Of course we can’t forget these amazing classics. My kids still love to hear this story at 6 and 9.

  164. Patricia Tilton 20/01/2012

    I have always loved this book. First I like teaching the idea of transformtion to children. I love the symbolism of butterflies. And, I’ve also used it to talk about death to young children. Beautiful selection.

  165. Jennifer Young 20/01/2012

    One of my favorites since childhood. Great choice & review Loni.

  166. Natalie 20/01/2012

    Of course! A true classic–and very deserving of its spot on The Perfect Picture Book Friday List. Great choice, Loni!

  167. Barbara 20/01/2012

    I love Eric Carle, especially his artwork! Thanks for all the resources.

  168. Lee Wind 20/01/2012

    So glad you’re participating in the Comment Challenge – and I like the posts you do on “perfect picture books” – really fun to hear about it from your illustrator’s perspective!

  169. Jennifer Rumberger 20/01/2012

    I love this book. How great that it’s on the PPBF list now!

  170. Eric Van Raepenbusch 20/01/2012

    Just read this book today to my 19 month old. I love that he tries to say “butterfly” at the end. Great review Loni!

  171. patientdreamer 20/01/2012

    Would you believe this book is sitting in our Scholastic Stand in my shop and I have browsed through it a couple of times. Lovely choice Loni, I like the clear design also.

  172. Stacy S. Jensen 21/01/2012

    We don’t have this book, but do have a DVD of it. I enjoy Eric Carle books too.

  173. Pen and Ink 21/01/2012

    I love the simplicity of the Hungry Catapiller ikkustrations, It wa sone of my kids’ favorites.

  174. Sally 21/01/2012

    Love Eric Carle! Thanks for the resources. And, good luck in the 12 x 12 x 12 Challenge.

  175. Amy C 21/01/2012

    LOVE this book – it’s such a classic.
    Happy 2012 to you Loni!

  176. Heather 22/01/2012

    This was Ben’s all time favorite when he was wee. I think between the three boys we’ve gone through four copies, they’ve been loved so much! Great choice, Loni!

  177. Darshana Khiani 22/01/2012

    The board book was staple in our house when my kids were babies. A wonderful book on many levels. (counting, caterpillars, days of the week, food)

  178. Vivian Kirkfield 23/01/2012

    Thanks so much for selecting one of the older classics. I was beginning to think everyone was shying away from them.:) Although honestly, I am so grateful to be introduced to a new generation of what will one day be classics in kidlit.
    I love Eric Carle and read this book to my kindergarten classes when it first came out!
    I’ve been to the Butterfly Museum in Denver…it was an amazing experience and I would recommend it to everyone who hasn’t been…I know there are butterfly museums in many cities across the country. To have thousands of butterflies winging their way over your head…and some of them landing on your arm…it’s an awesome feeling!

  179. Dolly 23/01/2012

    Thank you so much, sweet Loni. Oreo must be smiling up there ๐Ÿ™‚

  180. Patricia Tilton 23/01/2012

    Am always interested in your work. I love to hear about your illustrations and the new things you are trying. Wish I had your talent! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 23/01/2012

      Aw thank you Pat ๐Ÿ™‚ It is hard trying new things, especially software as it is really out of the comfort zone. But, it’s the only way to grow. Thanks for stopping by.

  181. Kathy Cannon Wiechman 23/01/2012

    I’m a writer, not an illustrator, but this sounds fascinating & I’ll mention it to my illustrator friends.
    Kathy Cannon Wiechman (Swagger Writers)

  182. Eric Van Raepenbusch 23/01/2012


    For a beginner, who just wants to play around with illustration — which Wacom tablet would you reccommend?

    • Loni 23/01/2012

      Hi Eric! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I would recommend the Bamboo by WACOM. It’s under $100 and it has all of the basic features one would need. I had a Graphire which is the older version of the Bamboo. I now work on an Intuos4.

  183. LangiSketches 23/01/2012

    Looking good! I like how he’s holding up his little flag, as if a parade is going to roll through any minute.

  184. Kathy Cannon Wiechman 24/01/2012

    Read this book to my kids until it fell apart. Sweet memories.

  185. Carrie 24/01/2012

    Happy New Year. Excited for the Year of the Dragon because I’m a Dragon too.

    • Loni Edwards 24/01/2012

      Hi Carrie,
      That is so cool to be a year of the Dragon! Mine is the year of the Monkey ๐Ÿ™‚

  186. Southpaw 25/01/2012

    Absolutely adorable!

    • Southpaw 25/01/2012

      Oh how do you like Sketchbook Pro?

      • Loni Edwards 25/01/2012

        It was a bit out of my comfort zone at first, but I liked the overall layout and interface. Now that I am more comfortable with it, I really like it. I almost used it totally for this painting, although I did have to go into GIMP for the “2012”. SBP was having a bug issue with fonts.

  187. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 27/01/2012

    This sounds like a really fun book! I reall like the cover illustration ๐Ÿ™‚ I am going to check out your links!

  188. Joanna Marple 27/01/2012

    I love how the front cover portrays so much about the two characters, that shows a very skillful illustrator. Sounds a lot of fun, Lioni!

    • Loni Edwards 27/01/2012

      Yes, the front cover is what drew me to the book initially. It was great to see the whole book live up to it.

  189. Patricia Tilton 27/01/2012

    What a creative take on this story. Sounds like it is very funny and something kids will just have a ball reading again and again. Love the cover — it invites you to read the bok.

    • Loni Edwards 28/01/2012

      Yes, the cover is what drew me to it initially also. Thanks for your comment Patricia!

  190. Natalie 27/01/2012

    How cute is that little pig. Little pig sounds a lot like my littlest one–turns on his charm, and it takes him a long way!

    What a fun book! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 28/01/2012

      Oh yes, the little pig is quite charming ๐Ÿ™‚ Your son will love this book. Thanks Natalie!

  191. Christie Wright Wild 27/01/2012

    This IS a fun(ny) book! I really loved the ending!

  192. Jennifer Young 27/01/2012

    This book is a great choice! My kids enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing your review Loni.

  193. Julie Hedlund 27/01/2012

    Sounds cute. Thanks for sharing!

  194. Susanna Leonard Hill 27/01/2012

    This book sounds SO fun, and I love the cover! You can just tell what kind of characters you’re going to be reading about ๐Ÿ™‚ I remarked this on someone else’s post, but we;ve got a great bunch of covers this week! Thanks for sharing, Loni ๐Ÿ™‚

  195. Stacy S. Jensen 27/01/2012

    We haven’t read this yet. It looks like the perfect age range for my kiddo. I love to find fun books, because I love to hear him laugh.

  196. Kelly Korenek 27/01/2012

    Oh, I love a good trickster tale! Envisioning the fox “polishing” his claws makes me laugh :-)Great choice!

  197. Donna Martin 27/01/2012

    I own a copy of this book. Lovely story! Great choice, Loni!

  198. Robyn Campbell 28/01/2012

    What a great cover! And a fantastically fun story. What an excellent choice. I love humorous books and the cover shows me that the illustrations are loads of fun! I really wanna buy this book. *waving*

  199. Beth Stilborn 28/01/2012

    I love books that turn our expectations on their heads! This sounds great. (Sorry I’m late this week.)

  200. Susanna Leonard Hill 29/01/2012

    So sorry about your sweet Penny, but glad if her memory will live on in your stories. Love the sketch!

  201. cheryl Velasquez 29/01/2012

    Sorry about Penny, but I a glad she inspired you to write your January story. Thanks for sharing.

    • Loni 29/01/2012

      Thank you Cheryl. Yes, I am glad that something good came out of the ordeal. And she did not suffer long which was also a blessing.

  202. Beth Stilborn 29/01/2012

    What a wonderful way to remember Penny — my condolences to you on losing her.

  203. Melissa 29/01/2012

    What a beautiful way to remember Penny ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni 29/01/2012

      Thanks Melissa. It was a good feeling when the MS was done. It’s great to have her live on.

  204. Vivian Kirkfield 29/01/2012

    Loni…what an absolutely charming choice. It sounds like just the sort of story young children would love! I think I got myself in trouble when I connected with Susannah’s PPFB…I want to buy ALL of the picture books that are reviewed. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 30/01/2012

      Hi Vivian! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yes, I agree, since joining PPBF, my list for the library has grown immensely! ๐Ÿ˜€

  205. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 29/01/2012

    I am sorry Penny died. This is a nice way to remember her! I like the illustration ๐Ÿ™‚

  206. Eric Van Raepenbusch 29/01/2012

    The sketch of Penny’s home looks great — what a great way to remember her. Good luck in February!

  207. Sheri Cook 30/01/2012

    So sorry for your loss but congrats on crating your January 12x12in2012 Challenge piece!

    • Loni Edwards 30/01/2012

      Much thanks Sheri! Yes, it’s nice to have something good come out of such a sad time.

  208. Cathy Mealey 30/01/2012

    Farewell Penny, RIP

    I am glad your story will live on in a book!

  209. theartofpuro 30/01/2012

    Love his expression:)Too cute:)

  210. Miranda Paul 30/01/2012

    So sorry to hear about Penny. What a great way to honor your pet, though. Thanks for sharing!

  211. Hannah 30/01/2012

    I’m glad you are finding joy after grief. Congratulations on finishing your January manuscript.

  212. Penny Klostermann 31/01/2012

    I added this to my library list. It looks really fun.

  213. Barbara 31/01/2012

    Cool book! I just LOVE little piggies. Did you see the photo on Susanna’s blog today? It’s too sweet.

  214. Southpaw 31/01/2012

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I do love your sketch.

  215. Robyn Campbell 02/02/2012

    I saw this book somewhere else in the last week. That must mean it’s a sign that I need to buy it. It sounds lovely. Thanks for sharing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  216. Joanna Marple 03/02/2012

    I think this book is fabulous, Loni, and I have seen kids stay amused again and again, playing with this book, even when they know what is coming. I think you are right about using the French version for beginners French!

    • Loni Edwards 03/02/2012

      Thanks Joanna! Yes, I would have liked something like this when I first started learning. I love hands on learning.

  217. Renee LaTulippe 03/02/2012

    I am completely, madly, head-over-heels in love with this book and I don’t even own it yet. I’ve been holding off until my boys are a bit older, but I bet they’d enjoy it now. Placing the order! I just think it’s genius, and I love the idea of getting it in French…Thanks, Loni!

    • Loni Edwards 03/02/2012

      Merci, Renee! They will love it! My 15yo, My husband and I all had fun with this book ๐Ÿ™‚

  218. Penny Klostermann 03/02/2012

    I love this book, too! It is so simple and yet so brilliant!

  219. Jennifer Young 03/02/2012

    Omgoodness this book is so cute! Fun fun. Thanks for sharing it.

  220. Beth Stilborn 03/02/2012

    I absolutely LOVE this book. I stood in the bookstore, pressing the dots and doing all the things the pages told me, not caring who might see me! I’m so glad you highlighted this one today.

    • Loni Edwards 03/02/2012

      Haha! We were just giggling when we were doing it here at home. How fun it would’ve been to be in a bookstore! Love it! Thanks for the comment, Beth!

  221. Christie Wright Wild 03/02/2012

    I’ve read this one. It is indeed very fun and creative. Reminds me a bit of Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni, but in a futuristic way (and combined with There’s a Monster at the End of This Book. My kids loved Press Here!

  222. Loni Edwards 03/02/2012

    Oh yes, those two are GREAT books! Thanks for the comment, Christie!

  223. Patricia Tilton 03/02/2012

    I’m glad you selected this book Loni. It is very creative — reminds me a bit of Peter Reynolds. I love interactive books for kids — especially ones they want to read again and again. Will have to check it out.

    • Loni 03/02/2012

      I agree, it does have a Peter H. Reynolds whimsical quality to it! Thanks for you comment!

  224. Gina 03/02/2012

    This book is well-loved in our house. It’s particularly good for small children who might have a hard time sitting still for a storybook. It’s so interactive, physical, and engaging.

    • Loni 03/02/2012

      Yes, I could see this being a big hit with little ones! Thanks for the comment, Gina.

  225. Julie Hedlund 03/02/2012

    Love, LOVE this book!

  226. Natalie 03/02/2012

    I have been wanting to get my hands on this book for a while, as I know my boys would love it!

    How clever! These writers are so darn clever these days! How do they ever think of these things?

    I am always amazed!

    • Loni Edwards 04/02/2012

      Yes, it is amazing how clever and simple of an idea it is. Love it! Thanks for the comment!

  227. Margaret 03/02/2012

    I wanted to get this book for my kids for Christmas — but it was sold out everywhere — locally and even online! Thanks for the reminder that I need to get this book!

    • Loni Edwards 04/02/2012

      Oh it would be the perfect gift! I am not surprised it was sold it. It’s so much fun!

  228. Stacy S. Jensen 03/02/2012

    I believe my giggle guy would like this one. That’s a cute video.

  229. Darshana 03/02/2012

    My girls and I just love this book. Such a simple book, but so much fun. I remember the first time I saw it at the bookstore, I started touching the dots and following the instructions too. There is just something about it.

    Great Choice!

  230. patientdreamer 03/02/2012

    I loved this. I don’t know about the kids but I certainly would have enjoyed playing with it. Loved the video clip you provided to. It looks very addictive….lol. Great choice of book.

    • Loni Edwards 04/02/2012

      Thanks for the comment. I was glad to have found that clip. I love the creative book trailers that are coming out!

  231. Vivian Kirkfield 03/02/2012

    Thanks, Loni! Perfect choice from someone who loves color and art! Kids will adore it, I think. ๐Ÿ™‚

  232. Kathy Cannon Wiechman 04/02/2012

    I love this book! What a marvelous concept for the very young!

  233. patientdreamer 04/02/2012

    I have popped back to let you know that you have been awarded the Liebster Blog Award. Pop over to my blog to collect it, congrats Loni.

  234. Joanna Marple 04/02/2012

    Lonie, I popped back in to way I have awarded you the Libester Blog Award on my blog today. Glad we have connected ๐Ÿ™‚

  235. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 04/02/2012

    This is a great book! It is a favorite in our house :)I like how the book interacts with you! Good pick!

  236. Heather 04/02/2012

    I love that three people chose you for this award! Congratulations!

    I also love the fan girl pic, very cute ๐Ÿ™‚

  237. Heather 04/02/2012

    I just ordered this one and now I’m really excited to read it!

  238. Renee LaTulippe 04/02/2012

    Thank you very much, Loni! It’s nice to be appreciated. I’m so pleased that we’ve all met through PPBF and 12×12 (it’s like our own language!) – I’m having such a good time getting to know everyone!

    Love your fan pic, haha! I believe your elevator story, too. My brother rode one with Jon Bon Jovi once. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 04/02/2012

      Hi Renee! I agree it has been great getting to know such creative people! Oh, Jon Bon Jovi is dreamy too. Lucky brother!

  239. Patricia Tilton 04/02/2012

    Thank you Loni. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and your work through our numerous connections. I am a fan of your blog and your illustrations!

    • Patricia Tilton 04/02/2012

      Also meant to comment on your five items. I love Alaska, have visited there, but to live there would be exciting. And, I also found your odd jobs amusing — makes you employble for most anything. And, getting to meet Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan and Liam Neeson must have been exciting! Love Liam.

  240. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 04/02/2012

    Thank you so much! ๐Ÿ™‚ I really appreciate you nominating me ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s cool you lived in Alaska! I would like to visit there…someday ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      Hi Erik!
      You are so welcome! I went up to Alaska when I was 13. I spent every summer up there working. It was an awesome experience and great $$ ๐Ÿ™‚

  241. Beth Stilborn 05/02/2012

    Congratulations on your Liebster Award, Loni! Enjoyed reading your “five things” very much, and your choices for who to pass the award on to are excellent.

    Here’s my “celebrity” claim to fame — I have met Joanna of Miss Marple’s Musings, Diane of Patient Dreamer, and Patricia of Children’s Books Heal, IN PERSON and they’ll all be featured on my blog the last full week of February!

  242. Hannah Holt 05/02/2012

    Yay! Congrats. You ran up a mountain for fun. Wow. You are wonder woman. Love the fan pictures. LOL.

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      Thanks Hannah! No, my sis is the wonder woman. She runs the women’s race every year and has won it! Now, that is amazing to me! Glad you liked the pics.

  243. Susanna Leonard Hill 06/02/2012

    I have seen this book on so many blogs. Everyone loves it. And can you believe I have yet to read it? So thank you so much for adding it to our list! I clearly have to get around to this one ๐Ÿ™‚ I like the whole interactive idea. (Sorry to be arriving and commenting 3 days late!)

  244. Joanna 07/02/2012

    I am envious of all your years in Alaska. I have done some mountain running myself, but not in snow conditions! Loved your five facts; Loni!

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      Haha! I don’t usually run in snow conditions either. Although at the top of Mt Marathon sometimes there is snow. You would love mountain running in Alaska.

  245. theartofpuro 07/02/2012

    Congratulations for the award:)Loved the post:)

  246. Sally 07/02/2012

    Congrats on meeting Pierce, oh – and for winning an award too ๐Ÿ™‚

  247. Darshana 10/02/2012

    I fell in love with this book when I first read it. I love the message of nurture and caring and how it helps the plants thrive. Then in return how the thriving plants help transform the cityscape and the people who live there. Glad to see this book is now in the Perfect Picture Book Library!

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      Hi Darshana,
      I agree, the message of caring and nurturing is an excellent one to teach young children. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ™‚

  248. Joanna Marple 10/02/2012

    Love this message and the idea that a child can have such a big, positive influence on his environment making it a better place for everyone!

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      Yes, it is really fun to see the town transform at the end of the book. Thank you for stopping by!

  249. Jennifer Young 10/02/2012

    I love Peter Brown’s books, especially this one. Great choice and thanks for sharing.

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      This is my first one I’ve read. I can’t wait to find more though. I love his storytelling and art style!

  250. Stacy S. Jensen 10/02/2012

    I’m loving the environmental theme of this week’s picks. Fun interview too. This seems like a great fit for my neighborhood. It’s new and needs more green – one garden at a time.

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      I just love the idea of turning something gloomy into something so vibrant. A very cool idea for a story! Thanks for the comment Stacy!

  251. Eric Van Raepenbusch 10/02/2012

    I read this book when it first came out and your review made me want to check it out again!

    Before we moved, we had a nice little backyard garden. My children really got into composting, planting, watering — and of course eating! I hope we can find a nice place at our new house for a garden.

    Lori, thanks for the review and for liking my post on Facebook today!!

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      Hi Eric,
      Thanks for the comment! We’ve had great fun with our little garden we grow each year. We do square foot gardening and a compost. I hope that you find a nice spot for yours this year! It’s a great learning experience for kids.

  252. Penny Klostermann 10/02/2012

    Isn’t this a wonderful book???? I sold books to public and school libraries for a book distributor for a couple of years. We mainly carried series, but this was one of our single picture books. I loved it and read it over and over. When the next season’s books came out, I donated it to an elementary school library. And I have more to my story. That fall, we celebrated Thanksgiving with my husband’s family. They always have a really large group made up of family and friends. One of their friend’s daughters was dating Peter Brown at the time (I have no idea if they are still dating) and they came to Thanksgiving. My sister-in-law said his name and that he wrote books. I asked, “Is he published?” (I didn’t remember he’d written The Curious Garden). So I googled it and I couldn’t believe it. Is he published???? Is he published???? Oh my!!!!
    I had just started writing. You will be proud…I mainly listened and asked if he had an agent/editor. I asked a few more questions about his books. But I did not ask to use his name or any of those annoying things. Right after Thanksgiving I bought Children Make Terrible Pets. I went to the library and read all of his other books. I couldn’t believe that I got to meet him.

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      Oh wow Penny! This beats my Pierce Brosnan/Liam Neeson story! AWESOME! Thanks so much for sharing. I just love his stuff. I want to check out Children Make Terrible Pets soon!

  253. Patricia Tilton 10/02/2012

    Loni, This is my kind of book! I absolutely love it and will have to check it out! Is it based on a true story, or just encourages kids to think environmentally? Watched the interview and it was precious. The child was so subdued at first, but lit up with his idea for a book. Loved it!

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      Hi Pat! Yes, that interview was so cute, wasn’t it? I agree about little Jack. His story was so cute! I hope he wrote it ๐Ÿ™‚

  254. Susanna Leonard Hill 10/02/2012

    I LOVE this book, Loni! Thank you so much for putting it on our list! I grew up in the city and used to dream of a roof-top garden… maybe every city child harbors a secret desire to create something beautiful and wild ๐Ÿ™‚ I love all the resources you included as well. Wonderful choice! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      Hi Susanna! You are welcome ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s funny, I’ve always wanted to be a city kid, but never really thought about lack of land and vegetation. I think I would miss that. Yes, a roof top garden would be a must for me! Thanks for the comment!

  255. Kirsten Larson 10/02/2012

    This sounds like a great Earth Day selection. I’ll have to share it with my MOMS group when we take a tour of the dump and recycling center.

    • Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

      Kirsten, you are right! This would be PERFECT for Earth Day! Thanks for stopping by.

  256. Natalie 11/02/2012

    I love the idea of this book! As a family who left the city for open green spaces, it sounds like a book we would love.

    Great choice, Loni!

  257. Heather 11/02/2012

    I love the cover of this book and I need to see what’s inside! Thank you for sharing this one and it’s a good time of year to be thinking about gardening season.

  258. Julie Hedlund 11/02/2012

    I love this book too. Great choice!

  259. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 12/02/2012

    I love gardening. We usually have an herb garden every year. I like your links and I am going to see if the library has the book ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks!

  260. Kelly Korenek 12/02/2012

    I read this book aloud to my students and they loved it! What a cute interview-next time I read this one I will have to show it to the students. Thanks, Loni!

  261. Susanna Leonard Hill 17/02/2012

    This looks like such a nice book! I love that it’s about friendship and kindness in a scenario that might appeal to boys. As I said on Nessa’s site, although I haven’t read this yet, there’s something about it that reminds me of Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, which is one of my all-time favorite books. i’m going to have to search this one out! thanks for sharing!

    • Loni Edwards 17/02/2012

      Hi Susanna,

      Yes, I thought the same thing about Mike Mulligan! The style he used was so classic. I love it.

  262. Joanna Marple 17/02/2012

    I too am moved by stories that remind us all that there is still great value in the elderly and older possessions. There are things they know and can do that the younger can’t. It sounds a very endearing tale. Also love the name, OTIS!

    • Loni Edwards 17/02/2012

      Yes, isn’t that a great name? I am also moved by stories that teach the value of the elderly. Thanks for the comment!

  263. Renee LaTulippe 17/02/2012

    This looks adorable and just perfect for my tractor-crazy little guy! I’m all for the underdog. Lovely review. ๐Ÿ™‚

  264. Margaret 17/02/2012

    Great review — I like that you caught the respect for the old theme. It’s an even more perfect picture book than I thought! ๐Ÿ™‚

  265. Kirsten Larson 17/02/2012

    It reminds me of “Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel” by Virginia Lee Burton. We’ll have to check it out.

  266. Patricia Tilton 17/02/2012

    Great review. Enjoyed the video so much as I like hearing what inspired the author. I enjoy stories about an old tractor that still has its place.

  267. Heather 17/02/2012

    Another Otis review, it must be a book worth having! I picked up a copy of last week’s recommendation, The Curious garden, and it is every bit as wonderful as you said it would be. Thank you!

    • Loni Edwards 17/02/2012

      Hi Heather! So glad you liked Curious Garden. It’s a wonderful book. And yes, I agree, when there is two reviews on the same day, you know the book must be a gem ๐Ÿ™‚

  268. Stacy S. Jensen 17/02/2012

    Thanks for another great recommendation. I really enjoyed the video. The illustration technique looks interesting. Otis looks vibrant, but the overall illustrations appear dark.

    • Loni Edwards 18/02/2012

      HI Stacy! I’m glad you liked the video. The illos are in mono chromatic, but the pops of color really stand out. I really didn’t get a dark feeling from them. Maybe it is the cute style in which he drew. It really worked.

  269. Robyn Campbell 17/02/2012

    Okay! Two of the same reviews on the same day. This book has got to be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which means, Robyn has got to make the purchase. That is all there is to it. Otis sounds and looks so cute. The art looks like days of old. Thank you so much for a great review! *waving*

  270. Amy Dixon 18/02/2012

    Another Otis!! I guess I’m supposed to read this one…must be fate. Thanks for the recommendation!

  271. Beth Stilborn 18/02/2012

    Otis is a popular little guy! But then, who could resist that cover illustration? And the story sounds great. As I mentioned to Nessa, this reminds me of Dumpy the Dump Truck, a book I reviewed a couple of weeks ago. I think Dumpy and Otis would make great friends!

  272. Eric Van Raepenbusch 18/02/2012

    Great pick! I love the illustrations in this book!

  273. patientdreamer 19/02/2012

    mmm…. I am wondering if I can use your review or at least the book story to my hubby in explaining why I just can’t thow out some of my old “junk”…. do you think it will work? ๐Ÿ™‚
    Love the cover of this and the review, thanks Loni.

  274. theartofpuro 19/02/2012

    Thanks for sharig:)It looks great:)

  275. Penny Klostermann 20/02/2012

    Both Otis books in one week and both are such perfect books. You’re right about the artwork…you said it perfectly.

  276. Heather 22/02/2012

    Loni! You are supremely awesome.

  277. Darla 22/02/2012

    Is blocking pinning on the entire page the only solution? Is there no way to share a specific image–say a thumbnail or an icon, but not all the images on a page?

    I use pinterest strictly as a visual bookmark. All I want is a reminder of what I bookmarked that page for. I don’t use it that much either, but I can see the potential there.

    • Loni 22/02/2012

      Darla, I am not sure. I bet if you knew someone who worked with html and meta, they could probably help with it. If it is possible that is. Interesting that you use the site as a visual bookmark!

  278. Beth Stilborn 22/02/2012

    Excellent! Thanks, Loni, For this post. Often people just don’t think. They need to.

    • Loni 22/02/2012

      Yes, more and more our privacy and rights are infringed on with these social networking sites. I see the advantages to them, but you really have to be on your toes!

  279. Julie Hedlund 22/02/2012

    Interesting. Pinterest is bringing up all kinds of issues. I just joined but I’m not sure how much I’ll use it yet.

    • Loni 22/02/2012

      You’re right Julie. I really didn’t see a use for it. Although I find the visual book mark idea Darla mentioned very interesting.

  280. Hannah Holt 22/02/2012

    You’re absolutely right. Most of the stuff I pin is my own, but I should be more careful with re-pinning.

  281. Nicky Johnston 23/02/2012

    Pinterest is a fantastic business tool. I always watermark my pictures, photos and artwork. That way there is a visual link back to the original website, not only by the html link. Make sure the quality of the pic is low res too. You can write ยฉyourname with a website, just as a reminder of copyright… And if you can’t beat them, join them….supply a “Pin It” button on the site, basically saying “Go ahead and pin my watermarked pictures” – this is just another way to look at it!!

    • Loni 24/02/2012

      Interesting thoughts, Nicky! However, according to Pinterest’s TOS per the above link:

      …unlike almost every other image site out there, Pinterest forces their users to grant Pinterest unprecedented rights to use their images however Pinterest wants!As it stands now, Pinterest has allowed hundreds if not thousands of people to violate Matthew (Oatmeal) Inman’s copyright by fraudulently grant Pinterest free reign to do whatever they want with his images. If Inman himself were to pin his comics, Pinterest could sell books, t-shirts, posters, greeting cards (all items Inman himself currently sells) and he wouldn’t be owed a dime.

      It’s stuff like this that makes me say, no way to Pinterest.

  282. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 24/02/2012

    I’ve never heard of this book! I like the whole idea of it. I like to watch people create things. I am going to see if the library has this.

  283. Christie Wright Wild 24/02/2012

    Sounds fun! Can be used in so many ways. Wish my library had it. It does have 21 of her other books though.

    • Loni Edwards 24/02/2012

      Her books are great! Including the classic she illustrated Chicka Chicka Boom Boom ๐Ÿ˜€

  284. Julie Hedlund 24/02/2012

    Allyn Johnston, Lois Ehlert’s editor, gave a presentation about the writing of this book and how Ehlert honored both her father and her mother as influencers in her creative life. Great choice!

    • Loni 24/02/2012

      Oh wow! I would have loved to have seen/heard that. How great! Thanks for the comment Julie!

  285. Kirsten Larson 24/02/2012

    We’ve read several Lois Ehlert books, but I’ve not seen this one. I’ll add it to our list.

  286. Susanna Leonard Hill 24/02/2012

    I haven’t read this book, but it sounds fantastic! I love any book that gives children the message to DO. Do things themselves, be creative, not just passive consumers of other people’s creativity. Especially now, with computer games etc., encouraging kids to get out and do real things with their hands and bodies is so important! Thanks for sharing this one, Loni. Definitely a worthy addition to our list!

  287. Patricia Tilton 24/02/2012

    Loni, this book is new to me, but I love your review. It sounds very unique. What a great book to get kids to do things with their hands. I loved arts and crafts, sewing, needlepoint, and making pinatas when I was young. Kids need to create. Such a great choice Loni.

  288. Joanna Marple 24/02/2012

    I love that you often bring us really creative books, Loni, I might have skipped over this and thus have missed a treasure. It is so important to extol the beauty and value of work we don with our hands, from a young age. Thanks for introducing me to this book.

    • Loni 24/02/2012

      Joanna, I’m glad that I gave a review on something you might not have picked initially. That is why I love this list! ๐Ÿ˜€

  289. Amy Dixon 24/02/2012

    This sounds great! I love books that encourage creativity. Crafty sorts of things are not my strong point, so this could be great to help supplement in that area with my own kids.

  290. Stacy S. Jensen 24/02/2012

    That’s a lovely idea. I know we’ll read in our house on March 7. Thanks for sharing the information.

  291. Heather 24/02/2012

    Lois Ehlert does such beautiful work. We have a few of hers, but not this one. It sounds lovely. Great resources, as well!

  292. Stacy S. Jensen 24/02/2012

    Sound like a great book and plenty of activities for all ages. Thanks for sharing this title.

  293. Eric Van Raepenbusch 24/02/2012

    Loni — A great idea to post a video reading your favorite book. I have it on my list of things to do. I may be joining you by posting one of my own! Thanks for the idea.

    • Loni 24/02/2012

      Eric, that would be awesome! Maybe we can start a trend ๐Ÿ™‚ Can’t wait to see your vid. Thanks for the comment!

  294. Jennifer Rumberger 24/02/2012

    This sounds like a fun book that also teaches. Thanks for sharing and good luck with the site maintenance!

    • Loni Edwards 24/02/2012

      Thanks Jennifer, I will need it! I was going bonkers this a.m. when my blog fell apart. I was missing stuff and had it all crazy looking. ACK. I will be glad to spend a little time on it and get it back up to speed.

  295. Beth Stilborn 24/02/2012

    As Susanna says, it’s so good to see books that encourage kids to “do” — some of my favorite books when I was a kid were ones that showed me how to make things, using ordinary stuff like empty thread spools and whatnot. This book sounds right up my alley! Thanks, Loni!

  296. patientdreamer 24/02/2012

    I love books that show how one can use their hands to make creative ideas. This sounds like a super book, thanks for sharing Loni. Will check my library out for this one.

  297. Vivian Kirkfield 24/02/2012

    Hi Loni,
    Beautiful choice for PPBF! This reminds me a little of Bravo Maurice! where the little boy’s family encourages him to learn to do all the things they love…bread making, gardening…but are thrilled when his own unique talent of singing manifests itself.
    Your resource list is…unbelievable!!! Thank you so much…that took quite a lot of work to put together…I know we (and any parent or teacher who clicks on it and uses it) appreciate it.

    • Loni Edwards 24/02/2012

      Thanks Vivian! I love the activities part of PPBF’s. I think that is what makes it stand out from other picture book reviews. I appreciate your nice comment!

  298. Vivian Kirkfield 24/02/2012

    Oh Loni, I just noticed you mentioned my blog on this post…thank you so much! So glad you are participating as well. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s such an important mission…and what we are all about, I think.

  299. Laura Renauld 25/02/2012

    I really enjoy Lois Ehlert’s books, but I’ve never heard of this one. Thanks for sharing! Glad to meet you in the PPBF world.

    • Loni 28/02/2012

      Hi Laura! Thanks for you comment. It’s great to meet another PPBF participant ๐Ÿ™‚

  300. Beth Stilborn 26/02/2012

    Yay you! It’s a great feeling of accomplishment to meet the 12 x 12 goal each month, isn’t it?

    Watch for my check in post on Tuesday.

  301. Penny Klostermann 26/02/2012

    Sounds wonderful. I can’t wait to see how the pages are cut.

  302. Tina Cho 26/02/2012

    Your Feb manuscript sounds cute! Congrats on finishing it. Thanks for sharing about World Read Aloud Day!

  303. Darshana Khiani 26/02/2012

    Sounds like a wonderful book. Adding it to my list.

  304. Vivian Kirkfield 27/02/2012

    Hi Loni,
    Glad you finished! Are we supposed to do a post about it on our own blogs?…I thought we were just required to write a comment on Julie’s check-in post at the end of each month. Now I am confused. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni 27/02/2012

      I’m not sure, Vivian. I think it is up to you! I just did it last month, so thought I would keep with tradition ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the comment!

  305. Ramona 27/02/2012

    Thanks for sharing with us how your progress is going. It is so interesting to see what others are up to in this rather solitary vocation. Love the title and sound of your picture book ‘If I could have anything.’

  306. Susanna Leonard Hill 27/02/2012

    I love hearing your updates! Thanks for sharing. Your Feb idea sounds great – I’ll look forward to seeing it in print ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni 27/02/2012

      Oh wouldn’t that be awesome? Thanks for your comment Susanna!

  307. Robyn Campbell 28/02/2012

    This sounds absolutely wonderful! I am definitely adding it to my list of, I gotta have ’em books. Those activities are excellent too. Sorry I am late getting by here. I was finishing a short story I am subbing to an anthology. It’s about my son Christopher. *waving*

  308. Robyn Campbell 01/03/2012

    Your idea sounds super. I cannot wait to read it. When it’s in print! Hooray for that time when it comes. I love the way you post about each month. I am not doing that, but wish I had started the tradition. Congrads. I finished too. Ten more to go. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni 02/03/2012

      Congrats to you, also, Robyn! Thanks for stopping by.

  309. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 02/03/2012

    I LOVE “GO DOG GO”!! Great choice! The video is cute ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s cool how Dr. Seuss can come up with a whole story with just a couple of words!

    • Loni Edwards 02/03/2012

      Erik, Dr. Seuss was amazing! I love every one of the books of his I have read. They are classic! Thanks for the comment. I am glad you enjoyed the vid ๐Ÿ™‚

  310. Joanna Marple 02/03/2012

    LOVE this video, and I see how they packed so much into so few words! Classic! How come I haven’t read this?

    • Loni Edwards 02/03/2012

      Joanna, I hadn’t heard of it either, until we received it in a package of Weekly Reader books. It’s AWESOME!

  311. Susanna Leonard Hill 02/03/2012

    I LOVE Go Dog Go – one of my all-time favorites! How often have I uttered the phrase, “Go around again!” ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for adding this one to our list! I also love P.D. Eastman – my favorite being Flap Your Wings which I will probably have to share soon on PPBF ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 02/03/2012

      Haha! Yes, we had a lot of fun with it. Even changing the voices on some dogs. I don’t think I’ve read Flap Your Wings! Going on the list. Thanks for the comment ๐Ÿ™‚

  312. Penny Klostermann 02/03/2012

    I have to read this again!! It’s been too long. I am loving all the Seuss books on this week’s PPBF list. It makes me feel young again :โ€ข)

    • Loni Edwards 02/03/2012

      Penny, I agree! Dr. Seuss books take us right back to our childhood don’t they? So much fun!

  313. Julie Hedlund 02/03/2012

    Love, LOVE this book. I’m lucky because my son is just at the age where he can read this book on his own, so we’ve been practicing with it a lot. The hat thing kills us every time. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Loni Edwards 02/03/2012

      Hi Julie, yeah the hat exchange is a fun one. And the dog party is always a page that time is spent on. So many dogs doing so many things! Fun, fun, fun!

  314. Beth Stilborn 02/03/2012

    And another book I’d never heard of! Where have I been all my life? Under a rock?

    This sounds like great fun, and I love that it helps young readers — gotta love that!

    • Loni Edwards 02/03/2012

      Haha! I feel like that many times when looking at the PPBF’s list! So many good books, not enough time! Thanks for stopping by.

  315. Patricia Tilton 02/03/2012

    Another book I haven’t read. Loved the video. I heard on TV today that 28 publishers turned down Dr. Seuss, as they didn’t think kids would like his style. Great choice today.

    • Loni Edwards 02/03/2012

      Hi Patricia, wow. 28 times? I bet they are kicking themselves. Just like the pubs who turned down JK Rowling. That just shows that we have to keep plugging at it!

  316. Kirsten Larson 02/03/2012

    Oh how I love P.D. Eastman. We are going to see the play, “Are You My Mother?” at the end of the month. I can’t wait!

  317. Loni Edwards 02/03/2012

    Oh wow! I didn’t know there was a play. How fun! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by!

  318. patientdreamer 02/03/2012

    When I saw the title “Go Dog Go” I thought it was one of those Janet and John books I was taught to read with all those years ago…. but this is so much cutier… and funny. Love the trailer. How things have changed over the years…lol. Thankyou Loni.

    • Loni Edwards 02/03/2012

      Haha! I think I know what you are talking about. When I was little it was the Dick and Jane books. “Look Jane look.” “Down spot down!” etc. ๐Ÿ˜€

  319. Laura Renauld 02/03/2012

    A childhood fave and now my boys enjoy it, too. I love books that withstand the test of time.

  320. Tracy 02/03/2012

    This was one of my kids favorites when they were younger. I LOVED the dogs on skates! I had the pleasure of reading Are You My Mother? to my son’s 2nd grade class in honor of Read Across America day. What a great thing to celebrate!
    A2ZMommy and Whatโ€™s In Between

  321. Stacy S. Jensen 02/03/2012

    We have this one and my son can sit through this one. Many of the other Dr. Seuss titles are too wordy for our toddler. Thanks for sharing this one.

  322. Amy Dixon 02/03/2012

    I love this one! And geez, 75 words? Anyone who can do that is a superstar in my book!

  323. Heather 03/03/2012

    We have always wondered why that dog so desperately needed approval of her hat! Great choice.

  324. Vivian Kirkfield 04/03/2012

    Great review and resources, Loni!
    This was an old favorite in our home…when kids are just starting to read, they love having books that cater to that with smaller vocabularies…it’s very empowering for them to open a book and read it themselves. ๐Ÿ™‚

  325. Catherine Johnson 04/03/2012

    That video is so cute. It is similar to Dr. Seuss in style isn’t it? I am pretty sure I’ve read a P.D. book before, but I can’t remember the name of it. Thanks!

    • Loni Edwards 05/03/2012

      Isn’t it adorable? I loved it. Yes, it isn’t the rhyming like Seuss, but it is the same simplicity. That makes it great for beginning readers. Plus, it’s fun!

  326. Joanna 05/03/2012

    I heard of the Iditarod for the first time last summer at the LASCBWI conference, when Gary Paulson spoke of it. Wow! I would love to be able to follow some of it live! Thanks for this link, Loni!

    • Loni 05/03/2012

      You’re welcome Joanna. It’s pretty neat to be so far away and still be a part of it.

  327. patientdreamer 07/03/2012

    Hi Loni,
    I so loved your Go Dog Go PPBF. Today is 7th March, so world Read Aloud Day. (hehe we are always first down here)
    I sooooo Loved hearing you read to me, that was very sweet. Thankyou.
    I have also got something for you…. I am awarding you not one but two awards… the Kreativ Award and the Sunshine Award for you and your lovely sweet blog, so full of colour and life. Pop over to my blog and pick them up sometime… and enjoy!

  328. Joanna 07/03/2012

    Thank you, Loni, I loved both these videos. It is such fun to hear people’s voices and/or see them on video. This story still moves me… it is so simple, and yet just so sweet and real. I never get bored of having stories read to me!

    • Loni Edwards 07/03/2012

      Great I’m glad you liked them Joanna! Thanks a lot for watching it. ๐Ÿ˜€ I am the same way. I love reading aloud!

  329. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 09/03/2012

    The illustrations look really cute! It’s a good way to teach kids about disappointment. I’ll look for it.

  330. Jennifer Young 09/03/2012

    I’ll have to check this one out, looks perfect for my little ones. Thanks Loni for the review and links.

  331. Joanna Marple 09/03/2012

    This is where I long to be an illustrator and to be able to show such a beautiful story with no words at all. Thanks, Loni!

  332. Patricia Tilton 09/03/2012

    Understand why it won a Caldecott. It sounds like a very beautiful book. And, one where kids will be able to talk about as they read.

    • Loni Edwards 09/03/2012

      Yes, I saw a video on Youtube where a little girl was “reading” it to her grandma. It was great!

  333. Amy Dixon 09/03/2012

    This is a really beautiful book. I am interested though in knowing this…when you sit down with a wordless book with your child, how do you interact with it? Do you ask the child questions? Do you let them look in silence at it? Do you try to narrate it for them? Curious to know how others do it…

    • Loni Edwards 09/03/2012

      We let the book engage us however. Sometimes its the kid, sometimes it is the mom ๐Ÿ™‚ It actually allows for more conversation when there are no words. I think real little kids enjoy books like this because they have confidence as its an even playing field (since they can see and can’t read). Just my thoughts.

  334. Penny Klostermann 09/03/2012

    I checked this book out from the library recently. It was darling. Great title for the list.

    • Loni Edwards 09/03/2012

      Glad you liked it Penny. I was pleasantly surprised by it. His other book that he illustrated “The Hello Goodbye Window” is also excellent.

  335. Kirsten Larson 09/03/2012

    The illustrations in this book are such a delight. We love it!

  336. Stacy S. Jensen 09/03/2012

    I really need to get this title. We’re a dog family. We love a good dog book with or without words.

  337. Vivian Kirkfield 09/03/2012

    I love wordless books…not only for very young children. There is something very special for a child about being able to put their own voice to the illustrations.
    This is a wonderful message to share with kids…and the activities (especially yours) are great!

  338. Susanna Leonard Hill 09/03/2012

    I have yet to read this book. Since it won the Caldecott there’s a wait at the library! How great that you found different resources than Nessa did. (And I’m sorry I’m behind in updating the PPB master list! Gotta catch up!) I love dogs, so dog books always appeal to me. And, like you, I’m so impressed by any book that can tell a story with no words at all, or even just a very few like in Good Dog, Carl. Thanks for sharing this lovely title!

    • Loni Edwards 09/03/2012

      Oops! Another title that was already on the list? Yikes! Sorry Susanna. Oh well, glad I had different resources. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the comment!

      • Susanna Leonard Hill 10/03/2012

        It was my fault, Loni, for not being up to date with the PPB list. Sorry about that. But I don’t mind if you don’t because now there are more resources ๐Ÿ™‚

  339. Heather 09/03/2012

    I may have to find this one just because we have a dog named Daisy! Who is snoring on the couch next to me. Thanks, Loni!

  340. Tracy 11/03/2012

    This looks like a terrific book. I bet that kids would have fun making up their own words to go with it. How original of a choice!
    A2ZMommy and Whatโ€™s In Between

  341. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 16/03/2012

    This is an AWESOME book! I really like your activities. The message of The Giving Tree is just super. My mom can’t read the book without crying everytime the tree gives the boy something ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the video story narrated by Mr. Sliverstein!

    • Loni Edwards 16/03/2012

      Hi Erik, that is so sweet about your Mom. ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m glad you liked the links and the video. I had never seen it before and LOVED it too!

  342. Stacy S. Jensen 16/03/2012

    I love this book. I wasn’t able to watch the movie as kiddo is sleeping nearby. I hope to return to watch them. Fun choice this week.

  343. Heather 16/03/2012

    I love this book (anything of Shel Silverstein’s is wonderful) but I could never read it to my kids. They all felt so bad for that patient, loving Giving Tree that one time each was all we had with this story! Great links this week, Loni.

    • Loni Edwards 16/03/2012

      Yes, I can see that.I’ve read a lot of the controversy surrounding this book. I think that is what I like about it. It opens the door for discussion which is a GREAT thing for books. Thanks for your comment Heather!

  344. Kirsten Larson 16/03/2012

    Anything by Shel Silverstein definitely makes a perfect picture book. This is one of my favorites.

  345. Susanna Leonard Hill 16/03/2012

    This book seems to be a favorite classic, so I’m surprised it hasn’t gone up before. I know it is highly valued by many. (I’m afraid I’m in the vast minority as someone who doesn’t like it – I always feel sorry for the tree, and feel like the boy takes advantage of her and never learns and never gives her anything back – not even love. But that’s just me :)) It is definitely a wonderful lesson about unconditional love. And I love all the resources you found! Thanks so much for adding it to our list ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 16/03/2012

      I think this is a great lesson in the flaws in some humans. We take and take from the earth and (some) give nothing back. Yes, it is sad, however I feel that in our ego-centric society that our children need to learn that there are consequences to what we do to the earth. That’s what I get from this book. Aas you research into corporate development in the Amazon and other places, you realize that we are indeed flawed. And something needs to change before it is too late. At least, that is what I got from the book ๐Ÿ˜€

      Thanks so much for your comment Susan ๐Ÿ™‚ You got me thinking! Have a great weekend!

      • Loni 16/03/2012

        Interesting, I just spoke to my 16yo and this is the interpretation: “I see it as a lesson in don’t give and give and give and also don’t take, take, take, take. It’s a lesson in balance.”

        It’s interesting that everyone has different interpretations of this book. I love it!

  346. Joanna Marple 16/03/2012

    I love this book, too, Loni. Some people have a strong reaction to the message and see a focus on selfishness. I guess there are many ways to interpret it, which adds depth, for me. I think it is a story which provokes some deep reflection and conversation, which is awesome for a PPPF book!

    • Loni Edwards 16/03/2012

      I so agree Joanna! I love books that open the door to conversation. Our family so enjoys topics that are controversial. It makes for some fascinating debates and learning experiences. Kudos to Shel Silverstein for creating a book such as this!

  347. Amy Dixon 16/03/2012

    I remember reading this book as a kid, and not really understanding it. I know people who adore it, and people who actually despise it. For me, I love a book that ignites such strong emotion and depth of conversation, no matter which side you land on. So I say, well done, Shel Silverstein!

  348. Patricia Tilton 16/03/2012

    One of my very favorite books! This book has such a great message. Thanks for including the videos. Haven’t seen them before and I liked them.

  349. patientdreamer 16/03/2012

    I had heard of this book a few times. Certainly can be interpreted differently. I can see both Susanna and Loni’s view. I think Shel did what he set out to do….. Make us stop, think, look and discuss….. Thanks Loni!

  350. Eric Van Raepenbusch 16/03/2012

    This book is really special to me. I received my copy as a gift from colleagues. Throughout the book they wrote personal messages to me. I will always remember that. Every time I read it — I get a little emotional.

    Thanks for reviewing this book!

    • Loni Edwards 17/03/2012

      Eric, what a special memory! That was so nice of your colleagues! Thanks for stopping by ๐Ÿ™‚

  351. Vivian Kirkfield 16/03/2012

    This is a wonderful classic in children’s literature…thank you so much for bringing it to PPBF!
    The resources and activities you listed are awesome…a teacher could do an entire unit, just using this book and what you provided. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 17/03/2012

      Thank you Vivian! Yes, I was surprised at how many resources there are for this book. I wish all books were so lucky! It’s awesome!

  352. Myra from GatheringBooks 17/03/2012

    Hi Loni, you have chosen a classic indeed. I am so glad to have been introduced to your site thru Susanna Leonard Hill’s Perfect Picture Book Friday meme. This remains one of my favorites. I usually read this alongside the Caldecott Medalist “A Tree is Nice” by Janice May Udry and pictures by Marc Simont. Seems like a timely book with The Lorax being shown now in the theatres. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 17/03/2012

      Hi Myra!
      It’s a pleasure to meet you! Thanks for the recommend of “A Tree is Nice”. I will add it to my library list.

  353. Beth Stilborn 17/03/2012

    I think I read this book back in the 70s. I must read it again. Thank you!

  354. Penny Klostermann 23/03/2012

    I love that everyone helped to keep his secret! I will have to read this one!

  355. Patricia Tilton 23/03/2012

    Patricia Polacco will always remain a favorite of mine. I love her illustrations and stories. I began reading her back in the early 90s with my daughter. Have met her. This book sounds wonderful — one I’ve missed. Will have to check it out.

    • Loni Edwards 23/03/2012

      I had read others by her also, but this one really stuck with me. Must be my love for music…and ducks ๐Ÿ™‚

  356. Penny Klostermann 23/03/2012

    I am just now getting to read last week’s PPBF list along with this week’s list. I will have a doubly long list for the library this week.

    Of course…this has to be on the list! Thanks for adding it.

  357. Eric VanRaepenbusch 23/03/2012

    Patricia Polacco is one of my daughter’s favorite picture book authors. However, we have not read this book. It sounds great. I love how her books are based on true events.

    I am determined to get to the Meteor Festival that she hosts every July in Michigan. It sounds wonderful!

  358. Amy Dixon 23/03/2012

    I hadn’t heard of this Patricia Polacco book. My kids read many of her books in school and we’ve had a lot come through our house. Looking forward to checking this one out!

  359. Susanna Leonard Hill 23/03/2012

    This book sounds terrific and I’ve never even heard of it, even though I love Patricia Polacco! I love that everyone helped Edward keep his secret! And I also love books that have enough true things in them to make them feel real. Thanks for sharing this one, Loni! I think it’s a great addition to our list!

    • Loni Edwards 23/03/2012

      Our library has a whole bunch of her books, but this one is my favorite ๐Ÿ™‚ You’re welcome Susanna, thanks for stopping by.

  360. Beth Stilborn 23/03/2012

    I’ve not encountered this author. Thanks, Loni! I’m all for books that teach history, and particularly musical history, in a fun way.

    (And now I’m singing, “Be kind to your web-footed friends, for a duck may be somebody’s mother…”)

    • Loni Edwards 23/03/2012

      Beth, she has a bunch of wonderful books. Her website is great too. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

  361. Jennifer Young 23/03/2012

    That’s great you found some history on it. What a fun read this must be. Can’t wait to read it.

    • Loni Edwards 23/03/2012

      Yes, I loved finding out about it. It’d be fun to go to the Peabody someday ๐Ÿ™‚

  362. Myra from GatheringBooks 24/03/2012

    Hi there Loni. I became a huge Patricia Polacco fan ever since I discovered her picture book Junkyard Wonders – there was a time when I borrowed ALL of her books from my institution’s library, but we don’t carry this particular title. I’d be sure to recommend this to our librarians. Many thanks for sharing!

  363. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 24/03/2012

    I’ve know about the ducks in the fountain in the Peabody Hotel, but I didn’t know there was a picture book about it! Patrick Carman said the Peabody Hotel ducks were the inspiration for the ducks in the hotel in his book “Floors”. I am going to check this out!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 24/03/2012

      Oh that is interesting Erik! I haven’t read that book. I will have to check it out. Thanks for stopping by!

  364. Stacy S. Jensen 25/03/2012

    This sounds like a lovely one. I like the use of words like “pa” and “lad” too.

  365. Tracy 26/03/2012

    I love historical fiction, but had no idea that there were kids books for this too. I love ducks too and will add this to my list for the library.
    A2ZMommy and Whatโ€™s In Between

  366. Vivian Kirkfield 27/03/2012

    Loni…what a great choice!
    It sounds like a sweet story…close relationship between the boy and his dad…and how he uses his ingenuity to keep his new pet.
    Wonderful resources and activties…great job putting them all together for us. ๐Ÿ™‚

  367. Darshana 30/03/2012

    I love this book and so do my girls. The 40th Anniversary edition has endpages containing: draft of the story with some editor marks, some early illustrations of the book, and letters between Don Freeman and the editor.

  368. Patricia Tilton 30/03/2012

    Such a wonderful classic that will live in the hearts of so many kids. I read this to my daughter over 20 years ago. It has such a beautiful message. Nice choice.

  369. Julie Hedlund 30/03/2012

    It’s hard to believe I’ve never read this book, but my kids have. Nice to see a classic choice.

  370. Eric Van Raepenbusch 30/03/2012

    I like listening to the Corduroy audiobook. The narrator has a great voice.

  371. Stacy S. Jensen 30/03/2012

    I look forward to reading this one with my son. I may have read this as a child, but don’t recall it at the moment.

  372. Robyn Campbell 30/03/2012

    You picked a classic!!!!!!! So cool that you did. And you reminded me to reread it. I have it somewhere in all the books. Great choice! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 31/03/2012

      Thanks Robyn! Yes, I dug it out of a box also. Love the oldies but goodies ๐Ÿ™‚

  373. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 31/03/2012

    I LOVE Corduroy! I have the Courduroy story in a big story of “classics.” Great choice!

  374. Margaret 31/03/2012

    I loved this book when I was little. It’s so cool that it is till around, ahem, years later. ๐Ÿ™‚

  375. Catherine Johnson 31/03/2012

    I don’t think I’ve read Corduroy, it is a sweet theme.

  376. Fats Suela from Gathering Books 01/04/2012

    I always see this book, but have never read it yet. Your PPBF post is a sign that I should borrow it from our library! Thanks for sharing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni 28/04/2012

      I hope you will be able to read it soon. It is a wonderful book ๐Ÿ™‚

  377. Hannah Holt 02/04/2012

    Your review brought back fond childhood memories. I love this book. Thanks for the review.

  378. Susanna Leonard Hill 27/04/2012

    I love Helen Lester and haven’t read this one. It sounds delightful and very apropos for many kids! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m not sure we have another book that addresses listening, so VERY glad to have this one on the list. Thanks for sharing, Loni! ๐Ÿ™‚

  379. Penny Klostermann 27/04/2012

    Oh! It does sound hilarious. Can’t wait to read it. Thanks for the review!

  380. Patricia Tilton 27/04/2012

    Such a fun book with a fun message, Loni! A lot of parents can use this book so kids can see themselves and laugh! I enjoyed your review!

    • Loni 28/04/2012

      Thanks Patricia! I agree, this would be a positive way to say to a child, “hey, pay attention!” ๐Ÿ™‚

  381. Amy Dixon 27/04/2012

    ooooh, I LOVE the concept of this book, and think it would be great for my 4 little selective listeners ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the recommendation!

  382. Beth Stilborn 27/04/2012

    Those EARS! They’re wonderful!

    As someone with a hearing impairment who gets words wrong on a fairly regular basis, I would identify with Buddy — and would find the book hilarious.

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Loni 28/04/2012

      Haha! Aren’t those ears great? ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes, I think you will find this book very enjoyable. Thanks for your comment Beth!

  383. patientdreamer 27/04/2012

    Very cute. I can imagine this to cause quite a laugh with kids. My oldest brother could have used this when he was a child, to. Thanks Loni.

  384. Myra from GatheringBooks 28/04/2012

    Hi Loni, this sounds like a book that I would truly enjoy. That kind of humor never never goes away, and it does seem like a really cute book. Thank you for sharing it this week. ๐Ÿ™‚

  385. Eric Van Raepenbusch 28/04/2012

    Lori — you are doing great! I like that you posted all of your ideas that you worked on this year! Keep it up.

  386. Beth Stilborn 28/04/2012

    Well done! On to May! Hope you continue to enjoy the process.

  387. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 29/04/2012

    I checked out the app! The illustrations are great! My parents are always telling me to listen to what they are saying ๐Ÿ™ Buddy sounds like me ๐Ÿ˜‰

  388. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 29/04/2012

    A picture book about Archaeology would be cool! I don’t think I’ve seen one before. Sounds like you made your goal! Congratulations ๐Ÿ™‚

  389. Vivian Kirkfield 29/04/2012

    Oh wow, Loni! Such a great books to read with little ones…anything that encourages them to listen will win a prize with every parent. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Love the activities and resources as well…thank you so much for a GREAT review and choice!

  390. Stacy S. Jensen 29/04/2012

    We have listening issues at our house. Perhaps one for the entire family โ€” mommy and daddy included. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 30/04/2012

      Haha! This would be a perfect family book then ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the comment Stacy.

  391. Joanna 30/04/2012

    Haha, this month’s does sound funny, Loni! I want to read the archaeological one! Well done on four months in the bag!

  392. Stacy S. Jensen 04/05/2012

    Great job Loni. I can relate to Lillith’s story. Well, I’ve been trying to cook more recently. Good luck with your May manuscript.

  393. Catherine Johnson 18/05/2012

    That sounds simple and cute, perfect for kids!

    • Loni Edwards 18/05/2012

      Hi Catherine,
      Yes, Ezra has a way of making a simple story so much more. Thanks for your comment!

  394. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 18/05/2012

    This book seems like a great story! I the cover illustration! :)I like “fill in the blank” stories too (I reviewed one today also ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    • Loni Edwards 18/05/2012

      I like the cover illustration too Erik ๐Ÿ™‚ I will go check out your review tonight. Thanks for stopping by!

  395. Jennifer Young 18/05/2012

    This book sounds lovely. Great resources! love that you added the adoption website. The theater one looks really fun!

  396. Susanna Leonard Hill 18/05/2012

    I love Ezra Jack Keats, but haven’t read this book! I’ll definitely have to find it – sounds like a wonderful story! Great activities too – thanks so much for sharing!

  397. Beth Stilborn 18/05/2012

    A cat, a play, what’s not to love? Thanks, Loni!

  398. Julie Hedlund 18/05/2012

    I’m sure most kids would love your suggestion of getting a kitty of their own. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Great choice!

  399. Penny Klostermann 18/05/2012

    I love cat books, so I bet I will love this one. The opening lines are so appealing.

  400. Kirsten Larson 18/05/2012

    The Snowy Day is one of our favorites, but I’ve never heard of this follow up. Thanks so much for the introduction, Loni!

  401. Patricia Tilton 18/05/2012

    I’m sure parents would love your suggestion of getting a kitty. Love Keats. Haven’t read this one, but will.

  402. Eric Van Raepenbusch 18/05/2012

    This is a good one! It is in our home library!

  403. Vivian Kirkfield 18/05/2012

    Wonderful review! Thanks so much, Loni, for a great book by one of my favorite authors! I didn’t know this one existed…but as soon as I saw the cover, I knew it was Ezra Jack Keats. ๐Ÿ™‚
    60 years ago, a little black cat followed me home during a summer visit to my grandmother…perhaps I should write a story about it…my grandmother ended up with 2 less singing canaries…oops!

    • Loni Edwards 19/05/2012

      Haha! Oops! Yes sounds like a good tale to tell ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the comment Vivian ๐Ÿ™‚

  404. Stacy S. Jensen 19/05/2012

    I haven’t read this one, but am putting it on my list. I love the title and the lines you shared.

  405. Heather 19/05/2012

    Excellent choice, Loni! I love this book and you have great activities ๐Ÿ™‚

  406. coralmoon 21/05/2012

    very nice Loni!

  407. Creations By Mit 23/05/2012

    I think they’re great, too! Cute illo!

  408. Beth Stilborn 27/06/2012

    It’s so exciting that you’re 6 for 6 despite all else that was going on in your life. A happy dance is definitely called for!

    Happy half-way-there! All the best for the rest of the journey!

  409. Heather 27/06/2012

    Inspiration does strike from the strangest of places! Congratulations on meeting your goals even as you were facing other demands on your mental energies! Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

  410. Sheri Cook 27/06/2012

    WOW! I am impressed. You had much going on and still managed your 6 for 6 in the 12x12in2012 PB Challenge. Cheering you on for the final 6!

    • Loni Edwards 28/06/2012

      Thank you Sheri! I hope the next 6 are a little less crazy than the first 6 were, yet just as creative.

  411. Romelle Broas 27/06/2012

    You definitely faced many obstacles along the way. I’m inspired by your tenacity. Congratulations on completing the 6 ms. With all that you’ve been through, that is worthy of the happy dance- love it!

    • Loni Edwards 28/06/2012

      Thank you Romelle. Yes, I wanted to give up quite a few times. Thanks to the FB group and the blog posts, I kept on going. I am so glad I did!

  412. Julie Hedlund 27/06/2012

    That is one heck of a happy dance! Good for you! Pretty unbelievable considering everything else you’ve had going on. Extra glass of wine for you!

    • Loni 29/06/2012

      Thanks Julie! I will gladly take that extra glass ๐Ÿ™‚

  413. Penny Klostermann 27/06/2012

    Congratulations for meeting the challenge with all of the challenges you have had personally! That is awesome and I can feel your pride and determination in your post!

  414. Jennifer Young 27/06/2012

    Your absolutely right Loni, inspiration does come from the most unusual places! Loved the clip – it made me chuckle ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh, congrats on your 6!!!

  415. Tina Cho 27/06/2012

    Love the Seinfeld clip! Congratulations on still writing your manuscripts despite all the hurdles!

  416. Eric Van Raepenbusch 27/06/2012

    Wow! Nice work Loni! To get your 6 complete with all that going on in your life is quite an accomplishment!

    Loved reading your post and thinking about how ideas actually come to be stories. An “idea” can be an amazing thing!

    • Loni Edwards 28/06/2012

      Thanks Eric for the nice comment. Yes, when our own lives get so crazy, it is easy to miss those inspirational moments. I am slowly learning to grab onto them when they flit by ๐Ÿ™‚

  417. Cathy C. Hall 27/06/2012

    BIG congrats on finishing all those manuscripts–while going to school, no less. I’m feeling a tad inadequate. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    (But thanks for having me to the (blog) party!)

  418. Vivian Kirkfield 27/06/2012

    Love love love the happy dance! And it sounds like you totally deserve to dance all night. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Congrats on your school accomplishments and pb drafts! Happy writing in the second half of 2012.
    Hope family health concerns are resolved…my thoughts are with you, Lori.

  419. Joanna 28/06/2012

    Kudos to you, Loni, in getting SIX manuscripts written with all that you have had going on!

    Wishing six more and health to all the family!

  420. Jo Hart 28/06/2012

    Wow, and I thought my year had been busy with doctor’s and hospital visits! Yours sounds even more so. Well done on getting a draft a month written despite all the busy-ness. Isn’t it amazing what can be done when there are set goals to motivate us? Hope everyone is doing better now and fingers crossed for no more doctors/hospitals for your family.

    • Loni Edwards 28/06/2012

      Still a doctor or two ahead with who knows what is in store. ๐Ÿ™ But hopefully not near as intense as the previous stuff! Thank you Jo. Best of luck to you and I wish the same good health to you and your family! Congrats on half-way! We can do it!

  421. Melissa 28/06/2012

    Congratulations on 6 for 6, especially with everything else going on. Here’s to the next 6 months.

  422. Laura Anne Miller 28/06/2012

    Loni – I love the happy dance! I feel like all we 12x12ers are in one big group just like that!! That video made me feel the joy I have being part of this group – I think I even heard cheering in the background. Congrats to you rising above the trials and meeting your goals! Blessings for the next 6 mo.

    • Loni Edwards 28/06/2012

      Thank you so much Laura Anne! I wish the same of you! Onto the finale! ๐Ÿ˜€ *cheers*

  423. Julie Rowan-Zoch 28/06/2012

    I certainly hope those you love are now in good health, that you passed all exams and, more importantly than grades, you feel good about your academic, literary and family-glue achievements! Wow! Thanks for the happy-dance!

    • Loni Edwards 28/06/2012

      Thank you Julie! Yes, this past term showed me I can accomplishment a lot academically. It is amazing how much when pushed a person can do. It wasn’t the most fun term, but I finished very well, better than I had anticipated. For that I am so very grateful to myself. Thanks for your comment!

  424. Erik -This Kid Reviews Books 28/06/2012

    HA HA HA HA HA! I love the happy dancers! Congrats! I am joining the happy dancers! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni Edwards 28/06/2012

      I giggled when I first saw the .gif! It’s exactly how I feel. Perfection :)! Glad to make you smile Erik!

  425. Donna L Martin 28/06/2012


    Congrats and I love the happy dance you got going on…;0)

  426. Rena J. Traxel 29/06/2012

    That’s great! Inspiration does come from the most unusual places.

  427. Carter Higgins 29/06/2012

    May I join you for a happy dance?!!

  428. patientdreamer 29/06/2012

    I’ll join you for the happy dance..lol. Inspiration sure comes from some unusual places, congrats girl for getting where you are today…whoooohooo… Cheers!

  429. cynthia iannaccone 30/06/2012

    Rena, Happy half way! and good luck with the next 6….love the dancing!

  430. cynthia iannaccone 30/06/2012

    Sorry, I meant to say Loni. Too much partying I think!

    • Loni Edwards 30/06/2012

      Haha! That is ok! I get “Lori” a lot, but this has to be the first Rena ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks Cynthia!

  431. Deb Lund 02/07/2012

    Now that’s the best happy dance yet! Love your cute illustrations…

  432. Rebecca Fyfe 02/07/2012

    I absolutely love the happy dance clip you posted! lol! Happy Halfway! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni 04/07/2012

      I’m glad you liked it Rebecca! Thanks for stopping by ๐Ÿ™‚

  433. Lynn A. Davidson 02/07/2012

    That dance clip is so funny. Congratulations on accomplishing so much under stress. I’m sure the rest of the year will be just as successful for you.

    • Loni 04/07/2012

      Isn’t that hilarious? I had to put it on my post. I giggle every time I see it. Thanks for the comment Lynn!

  434. Catherine Johnson 03/07/2012

    You made it to 6 with all those obstacles, that’s amazing. Well done, Loni!

  435. Stacy S. Jensen 05/07/2012

    Loni. Wow you are busy. I agree inspiration can be found in unusual places. I’ve saved several FB status updates and tweets through the years for “story ideas.” Good luck over the next six months. Fingers crossed all the health issues are resolved and the obstacles are less.

  436. Damon Dean 05/07/2012

    Wow…6 x 6 in spite of stones and sticks and everything else life threw at you! Great accomplishment, Loni. Hoping for an easier 6 months ahead for you.

  437. Beth Stilborn 06/07/2012

    Love the badge, Loni!

  438. Erik A.K.A. This Kid Reviews Books 09/07/2012

    I LOVE the badge you made! I am adding it to my sidebar ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you!

  439. Jarm Del Boccio 12/07/2012

    You have persevered through many challenges…kudos to you, Loni! Sorry it’s taken me so long to comment. Life has been busier than expected…

  440. Bernadette 12/09/2012

    Loni, I think you do an amazing job on your artwork. Each one I see looks cuter and better than the one before, then I realize I am back at the beginning!! Nice work!

  441. Julie Rowan-Zoch 12/09/2012

    I can hear him whistle!

  442. Hannah Holt 13/09/2012

    He looks like a friendly kind of tramp. Very nice! And I agree with Julie– I can hear him whistle.

  443. Penny Klostermann 14/09/2012

    I love the cover and opening lines. I have added it to my library list.

  444. Joanna Marple 14/09/2012

    I feel like I should have read Petunia, but have missed this wacky classic. Thanks for the great review, Loni!

    • Loni 16/09/2012

      Thanks Joanna! It’s an oldie, but a goodie ๐Ÿ™‚

  445. Julie Rowan-Zoch 14/09/2012

    Love! Timeless!

  446. Patricia Tilton 14/09/2012

    What a great message for kids. Sounds like a fun book. Today must be geese and pig day. I’ve noticed people choosling books about certain subjects or animals. This is a great addition.

    • Loni 16/09/2012

      I love books that star animals. Thanks for the comment, Pat ๐Ÿ™‚

  447. Susanna Leonard Hill 14/09/2012

    This book sounds like so much fun, Loni! I will have to read it. Yikes – my list is a foot long already – so many great books this week that I haven’t read! I love Roger DuVoisin – at least I’m pretty sure I do. isn’t he the one who wrote The Happy Lion books? I love the Happy Lion! Maybe a choice for next week ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing this one!

    • Loni 16/09/2012

      Hi Susanna,
      Yes! You are correct, he did write the Happy Lion Series! He was a wonderful storyteller. Timeless classics.

  448. Jennifer Rumberger 16/09/2012

    Love the giraffe! ๐Ÿ™‚

  449. Julie Rowan-Zoch 18/09/2012

    Cute! Like the handy hot drink too!

    • Loni 18/09/2012

      Oh, yes, Kitty has to have her …warm milk? ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by Julie.

  450. Stacy S. Jensen 19/09/2012

    A grand message and a little comedy – well I like that.

  451. Beth Stilborn 28/10/2012

    I’m in, too, and looking forward to it.

  452. Heather 31/10/2012

    I love it! A wee kitty enjoying his broomstick ride and a costume, too. Thank you for sharing this, Loni!

    • Loni 31/10/2012

      Thanks Heather! I’ve written lots of contest entries, but this was the first time I’ve been brave (or crazy?) enough to post. Good luck on the contest, I loved your entry!

  453. Joanna 31/10/2012

    I love how excited this kitty gets! What an adorable entry, Loni!

  454. nrhatch 31/10/2012

    A cat on a broom wearing a witch’s hat
    I must say, I’d love to see that!

  455. Julie Rowan-Zoch 31/10/2012

    Would love to see the cat with this hat!

  456. Carrie Finison 31/10/2012

    This is a sweet story, Loni.

  457. Cathy Mealey 31/10/2012

    Ooo – you are braver than I am to head out to a cemetery tonight! Love your cute kitty Boo. Hope his 100th ride is great!

    • Loni Edwards 31/10/2012

      Oh, the cemetery is one of my favorite places! So quiet, and eerily fun. We had a great time!

  458. Penny Klostermann 31/10/2012

    Very cute, Loni! I’m glad the cat earned his hat ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope your seeking game goes well.Looks like fun to me!

    • Loni Edwards 31/10/2012

      Hi Penny, thank you! Yes, the game was superb! We found all but two and went to 3 cemeteries. We had a blast!

  459. Catherine Johnson 31/10/2012

    So cute! I’m surprised that cat wasn’t more scared of going in the stew. I love the image of the cat with a witches hat.

  460. Susanna Leonard Hill 31/10/2012

    Aw! Little Boo earned his hat! I will be needing the illustration for this, Loni! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m so glad you joined in the contest – such a fun entry! ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Halloween!

    • Loni Edwards 31/10/2012

      Haha! I was so tempted to do an illo right away, but I have another Halloween one I am working on at the moment (which I am late doing!). I’m glad I was able to join too.

  461. JannaTWrites 01/11/2012

    I like the mental picture of a cat wearing a witch’s hat (mine wouldn’t let me do that!) They might just scare up some good Halloween fun.

  462. Renee LaTulippe (@ReneeMLaTulippe) 01/11/2012

    Aw, he earned his witch’s hat – that’s adorable! But where is the illustration? You know you writer/illustrators always have to pull double duty in these contests! ๐Ÿ™‚

  463. Romelle Broas 01/11/2012

    Such a sweet story of Boo. What an accomplish for him. This could be a start of a great story.

  464. Vivian Kirkfield 01/11/2012

    How wonderful that so many came to enter Susanna’s Halloweensie Contest! What a lucky cat to have flown 100 times with his witch. ๐Ÿ™‚ Loved your story, Loni!

  465. Patricia Tilton 02/11/2012

    I purchased this book for my daughter when it first came out. She loved Tomie dePaola’s books, and I still love his work. Great folk tale with an important message. And, the artwork is beautiful.

  466. Julie Rowan-Zoch 02/11/2012

    Love this one too – especially because I love spotting this flower on the foothill trails nearby! Great pick!

  467. Hannah Holt 02/11/2012

    Indian paint brush is one of my favorite flowers. It reminds me of going backpacking with my grandfather in the Unita Mountains. I had no idea there was picture a book about them. Thanks for the review.

    • Loni Edwards 03/11/2012

      What a lovely memory to hold dear when you see the Indian Paintbrush! Whenever I see roses, I always think of my parents. It’s a great way to keep a memory. I’m glad to have shared this wonderful book with you, you will like it!

  468. Joanna 02/11/2012

    Loni, a Tomie de Paola book I don’t know, yay! I want to see these flowers now!

    • Loni Edwards 03/11/2012

      Hi, Joanna! Yes, this one is not one of the ones you see in the bookstores a lot. I think it is one of his best!

  469. Beth Stilborn 02/11/2012

    I love stories that are based on legends, and I love that this boy triumphs because of/despite of his differences. This sounds like a winner, Loni!

  470. Laura Renauld 03/11/2012

    What a great message! Thanks for sharing.

  471. Susanna Leonard Hill 05/11/2012

    Oh, I LOVE this book, Loni! Thank you so much for adding it to our list. It’s so touching, and so valuable for kids to realize that they all have their own unique ways to be special, even if it’s not what they thought. A good lesson for all of us ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks!

    • Loni 05/11/2012

      You’re welcome! I love books like this. Thanks for stopping by Susanna ๐Ÿ™‚

  472. Dianne de Las Casas (@PictureBkMonth) 06/11/2012

    Thank you for participating! November is Picture Book Month. Read * Share * Celebrate!

    Dianne de Las Casas
    Founder, Picture Book Month

  473. Julie Rowan-Zoch 06/11/2012

    Sweet little fella!

    • Loni 12/11/2012

      Thanks Julie! Don’t let him fool you, he is a grump! ๐Ÿ™‚

  474. Vivian Kirkfield 07/11/2012

    Yes, yes, yes…I think this is my favorite of this week’s PPBF. I absolutely LOVE Tomie de Paola…and I had never seen this one…so thank you, Loni, for sharing it. What a perfect book for the Thanksgiving season…it’s interesting, because so many of the entries are about kindness and caring about others and believing in oneself and overcoming challenges.

    • Loni 12/11/2012

      I agree Vivian! This one is not as well known as some of his others, but it deserves a place on the bookshelf for sure. Thanks for your comment!

  475. Linda Silvestri 10/11/2012

    Yay! Glad you’re doing it, Loni!

    • Loni 12/11/2012

      Thanks Linda! I’m glad too. It has kept those creative juices going!

  476. Linda Silvestri 10/11/2012

    Awww, there are few things cuter than pleasingly plump coons! Love him!

    • Loni 12/11/2012

      Thanks Linda. He’s for one of my PiBoIdMo stories. I had fun character designing him doing different things ๐Ÿ™‚

  477. Linda Silvestri 10/11/2012

    Awww, he really is adorable!

  478. Linda Silvestri 13/11/2012

    Awwww! I think this is my favorite of all your sketches! Love the texture and lyrical quality of the line!

  479. Julie Rowan-Zoch 14/11/2012

    Good idea about the sketch blog, but I like seeing roughs on IF too!

  480. Joanne Roberts 25/11/2012

    I’m so glad you’ve decided to post some sketches here. It is so encouraging/helpful to me to see other illustrators’ thought process. Thanks!

  481. Linda Silvestri 01/12/2012

    Congrats Loni!!! Woooo hoooo, you did it all! Keep the momentum going and continue being awesome!

  482. Hannah Holt 06/12/2012

    YAY! What a great month.

  483. Joanne Roberts 07/12/2012

    Congratulations, Loni! It looks like you had a great month. Good liuck turning those ideas into dummies.

  484. Joanna 07/12/2012

    This is hilarious!

  485. Laura Anne Miller 07/12/2012

    Oh – Loni, this sounds like a “I have to have it on my shelf” book. Awesome concept – I want to know what happens.

    • Loni 09/12/2012

      Yes, it is one of those types of books. Lots of fun!

  486. Julie Rowan-Zoch 07/12/2012

    Looks like a lot of fun, Loni!

  487. Patricia Tilton 07/12/2012

    Love how outrageous this book is — I am sure it is a winner with kids. Loved the video.

  488. Beth Stilborn 07/12/2012

    What fun, Loni! “Would you like a side of dinosaurs with that?” Kids will love this to bits!

    • Loni 09/12/2012

      Yes, the zaniness will captivate children, just to see what happens next!

  489. Kirsten Larson 09/12/2012

    I have to admit, this book intrigues me. I LOVE dinosaurs, and so do the kids. Great pick, Loni!

  490. Susanna Leonard Hill 10/12/2012

    Oh my goodness! I can’t believe I’ve never seen this book – it looks like SO much fun! What a great idea! I bet lots of kids would get a kick out of this story ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks so much for adding it, Loni – it looks very entertaining ๐Ÿ™‚

  491. Beth Stilborn 12/12/2012

    Congratulations on 12 manuscripts! Woohoo! Isn’t 12×12 great?

    And thanks for participating in you-know-what!!!

  492. Romelle Broas 12/12/2012

    Congratulations, Loni! Yes, despite the challenges you faced this year, you managed to pull through. The greatest accomplishment is overcoming adversary.

  493. Wendy Greenley 12/12/2012

    Happy dancing with you, Loni! Glad to meet you through the 12×12.

    • Loni 13/12/2012

      Same here, Wendy. Lots of great peeps in 12×12 :)Thank you for the dance!

  494. Carrie Finison 12/12/2012

    Congrats on 12 manuscripts, Loni! I love the video. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni 13/12/2012

      Thanks Carrie! I’m glad you liked it. It made me LOL when I found it.

  495. Erik - This Kid Reviews Books 12/12/2012

    Congratulations on getting 12 manuscripts done!!! I found the clue too!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Loni 13/12/2012

      I’m glad you were able to figure out the clue ๐Ÿ˜‰ I was worried I didn’t do enough for it. Thanks Erik!

  496. Jennifer Young 12/12/2012

    Haha, I love you happy dance video, too funny!!!
    Congrats Loni on your accomplishment this year.

  497. Robyn Campbell 12/12/2012

    Sweet video! Seinfeld! Now they can happy dance! Congrads on winning the challenge. I too had challenges. *sigh* But YAY us!

  498. Hannah Holt 12/12/2012

    Yay! Happy dance! You deserve to celebrate. Congrats on finishing the year strong.

  499. Tina Cho 13/12/2012

    Love it! Happy 12×12! Congratulations on all your accomplishments!

  500. Joanna 13/12/2012

    Congratulations on those twelve babies, Loni!

  501. Julie Hedlund 13/12/2012

    I’m so glad I’m not the only one who danced at the party! ๐Ÿ™‚

    CONGRATULATIONS on your HUGE achievement of completing the challenge with 12 full drafts. You are an inspiration to us all!

    • Loni 13/12/2012

      I loved your video Julie. Thanks for hosting 12×12. Can’t wait for 2013!

  502. Catherine 13/12/2012

    Well done, Loni. I hope 2013 is a better year for you.

  503. Becky Fyfe 14/12/2012

    Congratulations on completing 12 x 12! It’s been great getting to know you this year!

  504. Jarm Del Boccio 14/12/2012

    Congrats to you, too, Lonie! I love the happy dance video…we can all join in. Looking forward to what 12×12 has in store for 2013.

  505. patientdreamer 15/12/2012

    LOL …. So funny! Congrats on your achievements Lonie, see ya next year!

  506. Kirsten Larson 15/12/2012

    Love the happy dance!!! Congrats to you, Loni for all you’ve done in 2012.

  507. Cathy C. Hall 16/12/2012

    Nothing like a great happy dance! (Congrats!)

  508. Vivian Kirkfield 18/12/2012

    Congrats, Loni! And I LOVE the Happy Dance…so much fun.
    It’s been an incredible year…here’s to many more. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Have a beautiful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!

    • Loni 20/12/2012

      Thank you Vivian! Yes, here is to an even more creative (and less stressful) 2013!

  509. Nancy Blaedorn 20/12/2012

    Loni, I love this!!! You knew I would. Very cute.

    • Loni 20/12/2012

      Thank you Nancy! Yes, you are right, I knew you would love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  510. naomi c robinson 20/12/2012

    Uh oh, so funny, very cute illo.

  511. Erik - This Kid Reviews Books 20/12/2012

    Funny! ๐Ÿ™‚ Love the kids expression!

  512. Barbara 28/12/2012

    Thank you for sharing Loni!

    • Loni 28/12/2012

      You’re welcome, Barb! Thank you for stopping by ๐Ÿ™‚

  513. Julie Rowan-Zoch 28/12/2012

    I like how warm the book cover is considering the theme! Thanks for introducing us to Cookie too!

    • Loni 30/12/2012

      Thanks for your comment, Julie. I thought the same thing too!

  514. Erik - This Kid Reviews Books 29/12/2012

    Great choice! I like Cookie (and cookies)! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  515. patientdreamer 01/01/2013

    Beautiful book and I love the rhyming in it. What a cute little Cookie! Thanks for sharing!

  516. Susanna Leonard Hill 03/02/2013

    These are beautiful, Loni! So cute! I love the little mice, and the animals in front of the stage, and the dolphins, and the poor sick bear.. I could go on, but I’m sure you get the idea ๐Ÿ™‚

  517. Southpaw 16/09/2013

    Welcome! Just in time to enjoy the gorgeous fall leaves. Is New England different from where you came or similar?

  518. Wendy Greenley 15/11/2013

    After I read Jane Yolen’s PiBoIdMo post I went to the library to re-read some of her books but I still can’t find this one! Now you’ve re-whetted my appetite.

  519. Patricia Tilton 15/11/2013

    I love Jane Yolen’s work, so I’m sure this is a beautiful read of such a beloved poet and writer. I enjoyed looking at the Museum page and the Poetry page for kids. Nice resources.

  520. Jarm Del Boccio 15/11/2013

    Sounds like a winner to me, Loni. . .I love history-based PBs!

  521. Joanna 15/11/2013

    This is one of Jane’s I don’t know and am very eager to read now.

  522. Julie Hedlund 15/11/2013

    Sounds absolutely lovely!

  523. Julie Rowan-Zoch 15/11/2013

    Love the idea of this book, and Emily !

  524. Rhythm 15/11/2013

    This sounds like a lovely book. I’m a big fan of Ms Yolen. Her books are very popular at our library. But I haven’t seen this one. I’ll have to look for it. Thanks!

    • Loni 18/11/2013

      If you are a fan of Jane’s then you will love this book. You can tell she has much admiration for Emily.

  525. Susanna Leonard Hill 16/11/2013

    Sounds like a very interesting book with a unique angle! Thanks so much for sharing it, Loni! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Loni 18/11/2013

      Yes, it is, Susanna. Thank you for your comment ๐Ÿ™‚

  526. Stacy S. Jensen 17/11/2013

    I love books from a different perspective like the nephew twist โ€ฆ I think one of my critique partners moved to your town. ๐Ÿ™‚

  527. Stacy S. Jensen 17/11/2013

    Good grief I’m thinking of the wrong state! ๐Ÿ™‚

  528. Penny Parker Klostermann 18/11/2013

    Sounds like a very interesting book. I love reading about writers/poets.

    • Loni 18/11/2013

      It was a great read, and even included a little poetry in it. It also had a note at the end of the book by Jane Yolen which told about the facts the book was based on.

  529. barbara 21/12/2013

    Merry Christmas & a Happy Healthy New Year Loni!

  530. Erik - This Kid Reviews Books 22/12/2013

    Merry Christmas! That’s a great quote! ๐Ÿ˜€

  531. Erik - This Kid Reviews Books 10/02/2014

    Beautiful. I am sorry for your loss.

  532. Erik - This Kid Reviews Books 17/03/2014

    Happy St. Paddy’s! ๐Ÿ˜€

  533. Patti 24/08/2014

    Very Cute! Nice color tones and mix…

  534. Rhonda Foupht 24/08/2014

    very cute.Like the use of the watercolors and the ink…

  535. Shirley 06/10/2014

    This is SUPER cute, Loni!!

  536. Katy Manck 11/10/2014

    Ha, ha, ha, ha!
    I love the expressions on these computers – would make a really great sticker (for those machines that act up perpetually).

    Enjoying #Inktober very much – thanks!

  537. Katy Manck 20/10/2014

    Such an elegant swine and fowl!

  538. barbara 26/10/2014

    wonderful work Loni!

  539. Southpaw HR Sinclair 31/10/2014

    Happy Halloween. It’s been awhile since I visited. Still love your illustrations.

  540. Erik - TKRB 10/11/2014

    Cool! ๐Ÿ˜€

  541. Berny 03/01/2016

    Love love love your illustrations!!!

  542. John 03/01/2016

    Welcome to Massachusetts, and good luck with your new job!

  543. Dolly 25/01/2016

    Thank you, Loni!!!

  544. Erik - TKRB 08/02/2016

    Cool! ๐Ÿ˜€

  545. Erik-TKRB 07/07/2016

    I like how they look! ๐Ÿ˜€

  546. Ellen 12/07/2016

    Hi Loni!

    This is absolutely beautiful. I will mention you and your site to Althea Dabrowski, who is a friend of Arthur Kinney. The camp is a pilot this year, however, i believe that it may take off! You are so talented! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ellen

  547. Erik - TKRB 24/08/2016

    That’s really cool!

  548. Erik - TKRB 30/08/2016

    Those are really pretty!

  549. barbara 05/09/2016

    Just beautiful!

  550. Erik - TKRB 06/11/2016

    I really like that pumpkin-man! ๐Ÿ˜€

  551. Erik Weibel 26/11/2016

    I like it!

  552. Erik Weibel 29/12/2016

    Happy Holidays! ๐Ÿ˜€

  553. Erik Weibel 29/12/2016

    I really like these! ๐Ÿ˜€

  554. Erik Weibel 05/01/2018

    That sounds like fun! Happy 2018!

  555. Nancy Blaedorn 14/04/2018

    Loni, I enjoyed reading your blog.

  556. Patti Foldager 16/04/2018

    Loni, I am so proud of you and how your talent continues to shine. I still enjoy my lovely pillows you drew. Keep up the good work and know we are so proud of you. BTW this is beautiful!!! Love the details and how you always put in a cute little bug .

    • Loni 16/04/2018

      Thank you, Patti! I appreciate the support and have really enjoyed getting out of my comfort zone. Getting back into painting is now leading me down a different and path and I can’t see where it takes me!

  557. oksana skolnaja 01/07/2018

    I love these!! great work Loni!

  558. Loni Edwards 10/02/2012

    You are welcome, thank you for the link ๐Ÿ™‚

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